Chapter 6.

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How come he didn't notice? how couldn't he hear the cracks of her heart as she stood there right next to him?

hadn't he trained his ears to hear the things others couldn't? Didn't he train to hear the music in things people never noticed and took for granted? 

In a crowded room, under dim-lit lights, He spoke to friends, laughter taking flight, Unaware of the world, he'd always adored, The symphonies unheard, her heart's silent now broken chord.

As the night waltzed on, in a dance of despair, He was captivated by the world out there, But the one right beside him, with love in her eyes, Stood in silence, hidden beneath starry skies.

her heart ached with the awareness that he couldn't hear the silent plea in her eyes. She had hoped he would sense the longing in her gaze, but he remained oblivious, lost in his world

now aware of the dangers that prey at her heart, she now seeks her escape, flying out the door. 

the days following he's now growing to regret that poorly choice of words, He picked up his phone and called her name in vain, But the silence that met him only fueled his pain, He thought little of it, just a fleeting doubt, Perhaps she was busy, that's what he thought about.

The days without, the beautiful symphony of her voice, the warmth felt in the safe home provided by her eyes. 

But then, out of the blue, his courage took flight,With a rose in his hand, he ventured through the night,To see her, to mend what he thought was lost,

oh, how the tables turn, how the ground crumbles underneath your feet, without you even noticing it, 

He sees her everywhere standing, he's waiting for her. A rose in his hand, he expects nothing apart from her.

Nothing around him makes sense, and the air feels heavy.

And there through her window, his world torn asunder, He witnessed a scene that made his heart thunder, Grace, with another man, in an intimate embrace, The sight left him shattered, a tear-streaked face.

Regret flooded in, like a tidal wave so strong, The realization that he'd been so very wrong, He'd missed the chance to hold her, to be by her side, Now she belonged to someone else, and he couldn't hide.

With the rose in hand, he turned away in despair, The melody of love had turned into a mournful air, A symphony of heartbreak, a song of regret, 

One candle

Can illuminate the night

One smile

Can build an entire empire

And there is you

And there is me

And no one believes it

But love does make a fool a king

In the days that followed, Tom's friends, Bill, Gustav, and Georg, couldn't help but notice the change in him. The spark in his eyes, the very essence of his spirit, had faded, like a once-bright star that had lost its shine. They saw it in the way he carried himself, in the heaviness that seemed to weigh on his shoulders.

One evening, when Tom came home with the rose still lying in the driveway, it was as though a silent alarm had gone off in their hearts. Bill, Tom's identical twin, couldn't bear to see his brother in such a state any longer. He decided it was time to confront him, to find out what had broken him that fateful night.

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