Chapter 10.

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I dropped my phone on the floor.

"You okay there?" She asked as she looked at me.
I stood up, walked over to her, and grabbed her by the waist.
I clearly took her by surprise as it took her a moment to finally kiss me back, and when she did.
I ran my tongue along her bottom lip, and she opened her mouth just enough to let it inside.

As I tighten my grip on her, she softly taps me on my chest.
"Let's not get ahead of ourselves yet" she slowly said as she pulled away.

To say I was disappointed was an understatement.
"I still haven't forgiven you 100 percent yet Tom. You really hurt, don't think 1 kiss is going to make that all disappear"

She caressed my cheek before going to get dressed.

"Where are you going?" I asked as I saw her head towards her shoes.
I followed her around scared she was going to leave.

"Tom, I'm going home, I have some things I need to do, also I have work later, maybe that'll give you some time to figure your feelings completely out?"
She tied her laces walked over to me, lifted my head, and gave me a small but gentle kiss on my lips.

"Bye Tom, call me yeah?" She said and I nodded as she walked out my door.

"Fuck!" I yelled without thinking about it.
Not even a few seconds later Bill appears from the kitchen.

"Well, Tom what did you expect was gonna happen?" He asked as he handed me a cup of coffee.

I took the cup from Bill. "I mean I dont know, I haven't really thought too much about it, but I didn't think it was gonna play out like this," I said as I took a sip. 

"Well, I get her, but then again, maybe you guys should take it slow this time?" Bill suggested as he searched my eyes. 

I thought about it, I didn't necessarily think we had gone quick, but then again we hadn't gone slow either, 

it's hard to explain, but whenever im around Grace, I never really think too much about anything, it's just how I become with her around, im able to let loose, and not worry as much. 

3rd Person POV.

"It's hard to explain," Tom began, searching for the right words. "I don't think we rushed, but at the same time, we didn't drag our feet either." He paused, trying to articulate his feelings. "When Grace is around, everything just feels right. I don't overthink things; I can just be myself. It's like she has this way of making everything fall into place."

Bill nodded thoughtfully, understanding the sentiment behind Tom's words. "Sometimes, that's all you need. If being with her makes you feel that way, maybe that's all that matters."

Tom let out a sigh, feeling a mixture of emotions swirling within him. He hadn't figured everything out yet, but one thing was certain—Grace had a way of making his world brighter, simpler, and more meaningful. And as he pondered over Bill's words, he realized that maybe, just maybe, letting things flow naturally was the best course to take with Grace by his side. In the following days, Tom threw himself into his routine, finding solace in the familiarity of his band practices and creating music. As the guitarist, he poured his emotions into his melodies, using music as an outlet for the whirlwind of feelings that Grace's departure had stirred within him.

Despite his efforts to focus on his craft and distract himself, thoughts of Grace lingered persistently in his mind. Whether he was strumming the guitar, jotting down lyrics, or simply going about his daily life, she was a constant presence in his thoughts.

He would often find himself reaching for his phone, aching to text her, to hear her voice, or to share a small moment from his day. But each time he composed a message, doubt and hesitation clouded his mind, causing him to erase the words before pressing send. He didn't want to appear too eager or make things more complicated; his fear of sounding foolish outweighed his longing to reach out to her.

The silence from Grace's end only added to his inner turmoil. Her absence left a void in his days that he couldn't quite fill. He wondered if she was going through the same indecision and hesitation or if she was purposefully keeping her distance.

In the midst of his inner conflict, Tom continued to channel his emotions into his music. His melodies carried traces of longing and introspection, each note resonating with the unspoken thoughts and emotions he couldn't vocalize. It was his way of expressing what he couldn't say and finding solace in the melodies he crafted.

Despite his efforts to distract himself, Grace remained an unspoken chord, an unfinished stanza in his heart. As the days passed, the ache of their unresolved connection weighed heavily on his mind, leaving him yearning for closure or a chance to bridge the growing distance between them.

Thursday Night.

Tom was alone in his room, sitting by his big window with his guitar in hand. playing some random melody his brain thought of on the spot. he looked at the stars while strumming the strings. 

suddenly thoughts pop up in his mind, of her.

"shit" Tom mumbles. he hadn't been able to stop thinking about her for a while, but he didn't wanna appear weird, desperate, or anything of that kind by texting her so quickly, but fuck he was tracing the outline of her curves in his mind

The thought of her honey-glazed skin pressed against his own, made him lick his bottom lips, and play around with the piercing he had with his tongue. 

he abruptly put his guitar away, went to the bathroom stripped his clothes, and went for a cold shower, in hopes of getting these thoughts out of his head, - No luck. 

As the cold water slapped him in the face, That goddess face of hers appeared in his mind, he closed his eyes, leaning his head against the cold tiles in the shower, and letting out a deep breath he didn't know he held.

Them beautiful eyes, hiding behind long eyelashes looking up at him, planning something devious. Focusing on her lips in his mind sent him spiraling out of control. 

just the thought of her had made him hard, harder than he had ever been before. 

"G-Grace" he moaned out as he thought of her, as he took care of himself in the cold shower, he had taken to get her out of his mind. 

Main Attraction | TOM KAULITZWhere stories live. Discover now