Chapter 7.

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After Tom's dramatic exit from his friends' gathering, he found himself alone in the quiet streets, but the cacophony of his thoughts was deafening. His anger had subsided, replaced by an overwhelming sense of loss and longing for Grace.

Tom roamed the city, aimlessly wandering through streets that now seemed to hold memories of their own. Everywhere he turned, he felt her presence, even though he knew she was nowhere nearby. The city, once a backdrop to their shared moments, was now a haunting reminder of what he had lost.

He couldn't stop thinking about Grace. Her laughter echoed in his mind, and her smile danced before his eyes. He missed the way her eyes would light up when they talked about their dreams, the taste of her favorite coffee, and the warmth of her embrace. Every street corner, every coffee shop, every park bench, he saw her face.

Tom's thoughts were consumed by memories of her. The sound of her voice, the softness of her touch, the scent of her hair, they were all vivid in his mind. He replayed their moments together over and over, each memory twisting the knife of regret deeper into his heart.

He realized that he had never truly appreciated what he had with Grace until it was gone. The laughter they shared, the intimate conversations, the late-night walks, all the moments that had seemed so ordinary at the time, now appeared as treasured gems in his memory. He had taken her presence for granted, and now her absence haunted him.

As the days turned into weeks, Tom's longing for Grace intensified. He couldn't shake the feeling that he needed to see her, to explain himself, to apologize for the pain he had inadvertently caused. His heart ached with the desire to mend what was broken, to find a way to bring her back into his life.

Late one night, unable to bear the weight of his thoughts any longer, Tom decided to act. He couldn't wait any longer. He called her, his fingers trembling as he dialed her number. The phone rang, and he held his breath, hoping she would pick up.

But there was no answer. Tom's heart sank, and he was left with the agonizing realization that she might not want to hear from him. He left a voicemail, his voice trembling as he poured out his feelings, apologizing for his actions and the pain he had caused.

Tom walked through the pouring rain, each droplet merging with the tears on his cheeks. He didn't care that his clothes clung to his skin, or that his hair was a wet mess. The world was a blur, the pain was a constant throb, and he was lost in the storm of his own emotions.

Unbeknownst to him, his steps grew slower, and he eventually found himself squatting on a deserted street corner, raindrops mingling with his tears, creating a symphony of sorrow. He didn't care about getting wet, for the rain matched the storm within his heart.

As the minutes passed and his world turned gray, a voice cut through the downpour, "Tom? Is that you?"

Tom looked up, his eyes meeting the face of the person holding an umbrella over him. He blinked away the rainwater from his lashes and couldn't believe his eyes. It was Grace, standing there in the rain, her umbrella providing a small, dry sanctuary in the midst of the storm.

Their eyes locked, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still. The raindrops danced around them, and Tom felt a mix of emotions surge within him - surprise, joy, and a profound sense of relief.

"Tom, what are you doing out here in the rain?" she asked, her voice filled with concern, yet tinged with a hint of skepticism. 

The rain continued to fall softly around them as Tom stood, his tears mixing with the raindrops. He reached out and gently took Grace's hands in his, feeling the warmth of her touch. She looked into his eyes, surprised by the intensity of his gaze.

"why were you with another man the other night?" he said looking at her hand.

she slowly took her hand from his. "that's not really any of your business is it Tom?" 

"how can it not be Grace? he now looked into her eyes.

"well tom, you clearly made the choice for me, we're friends right?" she asked rolling her eyes.

"Grace, I could never just be your friend" 

In that moment, the rain around them seemed to intensify, as if echoing the torrent of emotions between them. Unable to hold back any longer, Tom leaned in, capturing Grace's lips in a passionate kiss. It was a kiss that spoke of his longing, his regret, and his love for her, a kiss that drowned out the sound of the falling rain.

For a fleeting moment, they were lost in each other, their worlds merging as they shared their unspoken desires. Grace's heart quickened, and she began to respond, her hands finding their way to Tom's shoulders.

As the intensity of their kiss grew, the rain around them became a backdrop to the storm of their emotions. The world faded away, and Tom and Grace were lost in the passionate exchange, their unspoken desires finally surfacing.

Grace's heart raced as she responded to Tom's longing, and she found herself drawing closer, her hands on his shoulders, her fingers intertwining with his wet hair. The umbrella lay forgotten on the ground.

Just as Tom deepened the kiss, pulling her waist closer, Grace suddenly pulled away, her breath unsteady. "I...I can't, Tom. We shouldn't..."

Tom was left feeling a mixture of disappointment and confusion. He searched her eyes, his voice a whisper. "Grace, I don't understand.

Grace tried to steady herself, her words coming out in a hesitant, trembling voice. "this isn't the right way. I have to go."

Tom desperately reached for her, wanting her to stay, but his pleas fell on deaf ears. Grace turned away, tears mingling with the rain on her cheeks, and with a heavy heart, she walked away into the misty, rain-soaked night. Tom was left standing there, his longing unfulfilled.

Grace POV

Grace's heart was in turmoil as Tom leaned in, closing the distance between them with a passion that mirrored her own suppressed longing. The raindrops seemed to fall harder, and the world around her blurred into insignificance. For that brief moment, everything else ceased to matter as Tom's lips met hers.

His kiss was a firestorm of emotions, a confession of his longing, his regret, and his love for her. It was a passionate plea that drowned out the sound of the falling rain, and Grace couldn't help but respond to the depth of his desire.

She dropped the umbrella without a second thought, wanting to be closer to him, wanting to feel the warmth of his touch. Tom's kiss deepened, and he pulled her waist closer, their bodies melding into one. The world was forgotten as their unspoken desires finally found their voice.

But in the midst of this beautiful chaos, as the rain continued to fall around them, Grace felt a twinge of guilt and uncertainty. She knew that they were on the cusp of something powerful, something they both longed for. However, as Tom's embrace tightened, and his lips claimed hers once more, she couldn't help but feel that maybe, just maybe, they needed to tread carefully.

Breaking away from his passionate kiss, Grace's voice trembled as she struggled to find her words. "I...I can't, Tom. We shouldn't..."

She had to fight the urge to succumb to the overwhelming temptation he presented, to throw caution to the wind and get lost in the moment. But she knew that there were unresolved issues that needed to be addressed, and she couldn't ignore them any longer.

Grace looked into Tom's eyes, seeing the disappointment and confusion in his gaze. Her own heart ached as she tried to convey her feelings. " Tom. This isn't the right way."

Tom's pleas, his attempts to hold onto her, tugged at her heartstrings. She wanted to stay, to lose herself in his arms, but she also knew that they had to face their demons before they could truly find happiness together.

"im done Tom..."

Tom wiched "dont say that Grace, it isn't true" he pleaded 

"Go home Tom, its for the best"

"but, you're my home Grace"

With a heavy heart, she pulled away from Tom's grasp, tears mingling with the rain on her cheeks. Grace turned and walked away into the misty, rain-soaked night, leaving Tom behind

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