Chapter 11

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There he was, in the shower, taking care of his dick while thinking of her. 

just as he was getting near, he heard someone knocking on the door.

"fuck off, im busy!" Tom yells to whoever is standing on the other side of the door, clearly mad someone dared interrupt him.

"Tom, are you touching yourself?" he heard a Female voice speak out to him. 

his blood ran cold, he knew that voice, that was the very voice belonging to the woman he was imagining in his head, as he was indeed touching himself. he was caught in a very intimate and now embarrassing moment. he quickly turned the shower off, wrapped a towel around his waist, and went to the door opening it, seeing Grace standing there in front of him, way too close. 

"G-Grace, wha-what are you doing here?" Tom asked shocked to see her in person.

"sweating out the shower, stumbling over his words. hmm," is all she said, as her eyes studied his. 

she turned around walking over to sit on the corner of his bed, he was unable to not look at her hips, ass, and thighs as she was walking. 

Tom clumsy went to his closet, chasing into a pair of grey sweatpants, Grace sneaking a peck at those abs. As he turned around, she was no longer sitting on his, but once again standing right in front of him. 

"Im very disappointed in you Tom," she said and placed her hands on his chest, letting her nails crawl over his still-damp skin. 

"w-what?" he asked, not looking in her eyes, but everywhere knowing it would be too much and too hard to control him, if he saw her eyes look seductively up at him, especially with her warm hands on his body, just where he wanted them. 

but He quickly turned to face her, when she took her hands off him again. he wanted them on him. 

"yeah, You didn't call me, ya dick. here I thought you really wanted to be with me, but clearly, I was wrong, and once again fooled by you," she said, sighing and turning her back to him. Without a moment's hesitation, as if driven by an uncontrollable impulse, Tom reached out to her. His arms encircled her waist in a swift, determined motion, turning her around to face him. Grace's gasp of surprise lingered in the air as she found herself inches away from him, her protest cut short by the sudden contact.

Before she could finish her sentence, Tom silenced her with a breathtaking kiss. It was an act of desperation, a plea conveyed through the touch of his lips against hers. In that moment, everything else faded away—the unresolved tension, the unspoken words, the doubts, and the misunderstandings—all dissolved into the intensity of the kiss.

They pulled away from each other, and Grace's wide eyes stared at the man in front of her, trying to search in his eyes for his thoughts. Their eyes locked in a magnetic embrace, an unspoken language passing between them, as if each gaze carried a thousand words. The atmosphere crackled with anticipation, a palpable tension that spoke of unbridled desire and the weight of unresolved emotions.

Tom's hand gently cupped Grace's cheek, his touch feather-light yet electric, sending shivers down her spine. His thumb traced a delicate line along the curve of her jaw, his touch igniting a rush of warmth that spread through her entire being.

As their faces drew closer, their breaths mingled, the air thick with anticipation. Tom's lips brushed against hers, a tender caress that hinted at the passion to come. Grace's heartbeat quickened, the anticipation building within her, an echo of the longing she felt.

Their lips finally met in a dance of fiery passion and tender longing. It was a kiss that ignited a spark, a fervent expression of their unspoken emotions. Tom's lips moved with a gentle urgency, coaxing a response from Grace as she met his kiss with equal fervor.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2023 ⏰

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