Chapter 48

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Floch and a few other Yeagerists, were having Hange bring them to Zeke. While on horseback, it began to rain as they continued on their journey. As they were making their way to Zeke, they heard an explosion go off in the distance.

Yeagerist 75A: Wh-What the—?

Floch: What was that?

Yeagerist 75A: Thunder maybe?

While everyone else was confused on what the noise was, Hange knows what made that explosion.

Hange (thoughts): A Thunder Spear. But why?

Floch: Let's head in that direction.

They turned their horses as they began to head towards where the explosion occurred. At the site of the explosion, was a half body Zeke and a badly injured Levi.

Zeke (thoughts): It's- It's so quiet. Am I dying?

Add Zeke was laying there, the Titan that he use to throw the blood of started to make its way towards him. The Titan got to Zeke as it ripped open its stomach as it then shoved him into it.

Back in Shiganshina, a lot of the Yeagerist were eating meat, while others were putting different color arm bands on different soldiers.

Yelena: The day will soon come when we sit at the same table once again. Has it not happened exactly as I said it would? Commander Pyxis?

Sitting at the head of the table was Yelena with Onyankopon siting next to her. At the other end of the table was Commander Pyxis with a black arm band, standing next to him was a soldier with a red arm band giving Pyxis a glass of wine.

Yelena: Please let me thank you for taking such swift action. Not only have you forbidden your troops from restating us, but in accordance with our demands, you've also assembled every soldier you have right here in Shiganshina.

Pyxis: Considering the trick you pulled with the spinal fluid, we didn't have much of a choice. Zeke could turn us into Titans at any moment. And Shiganshina's been evacuated, so it's the only safe place for us to be. In any case. What else could I do, with so many old comrades pointing guns at my back?

Garrison Solider: Please forgive me, Commander Pyxis. My son drank the wine, too. I'm doing this to protect him.

Pyxis: When did you first betray us?

Yelena: You've no obligation to answer that.

Garrison Solider: I'm sorry.

Pyxis looks at the Garrison soldiers red arm band as he then looked over at a Scout with a white arm band.

Pyxis: I only ask because the time at which you changed sides seems to affect your standing in this new regime. Betray us early and you're rewarded with a white armband. It marks you as a proud Yeagerist, correct? Red armband are used to mark those who were coerced into aiding the Yeagerist, after learning they had drunk tainted wine. And finally. These black armbands mark the rest of us ignorant fools who drank the wine without suspecting something was amiss. I can't help but be reminded of Marley. They employed a similar system when they took over your homelands, did they not?

Yelena: There's much to be learned from our enemies.

Pyxis: Including how to make more, I see.

Yelena: We offered to stand beside you as allies, and you responded by having us imprisoned.

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