the last ones info

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-Basically the main four's leader

-He is introverted but can make conversation if someone else starts the conversation

-Selective mute

-Actually very scared of the apocalypse, but puts on a tough front

-His main weapon is a gun


-Tall boi

-His alt side tells him sometimes to let it take over and kill everyone. Ethan tries to repress these thoughts.

-Before the events of TLO, he was more uncaring than he is now

-Sometimes gets trapped in his own subconsious

-He wonders how he and Megan became very close considering he teased and made fun of her before the apocalypse happened


-She has dissociative identity disorder and discouraged and petulant BPD

-Still feels immense guilt for an event that happened 2-3 years ago, leading to psychological stress and anxiety (not going to get in any more detail cause spoilers)

-Questioning what she did or what happened that caused her life to fall apart

-She is mildy scared of all bugs except for butterflies and stick insects (becuase they're funny and she knows they won't attack (in her perspective)). She also has mild scopophobia

-She is also the youngest in the group


-This boy was not ready for trauma

-He is prone to panic attacks and mental breakdowns

-He can be careless and overly optimistic leading people to think he's too loud

-He still doesn't trust Ethan due to his near death experience that happened a whole MONTH ago

-Agile and quick on his feet


-In a Queerplatonic relationship with Giselle (Megan hates it)

-Atychiphobic (fear of failure)

-Has scoliosis. Only the boys don't know but the girls do


-She knows about Ethan and Megan's secret, she just keeps it hidden until the time is ripe


-Megan's ex-best friend, now most hated person (for megan)

-Average at all sports except volleyball. She is a natural expert at it

-Well-liked because of her friendliness

-Knows that Megan pushing her off the third floor was an accident and forgave her already

-She loves small animals like hamsters, squirrels, etc.

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