Chapter 5

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The next day Ruzek took the day off to take care of Burgess. She had been up for hours even though Ruzek was just waking up. Ruzek reached over to the other side of the bed just to find empty sheets next to him. He then walked into the kitchen and saw Burgess standing at the counter. He walked over to her, put his hands on her hips and kissed the back of her neck. She turned around and put her hands around his neck and kissed him. They pulled away and he wrapped her in his arms. She felt safe in his arms, like nobody could hurt her. Still, tears were falling down her face. Adam could feel them going onto his back.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He softly said, pulling away from their hug and wiping the tears away with his thumb.

"Nothing, I'm fine."

"Kim, you know you can tell me anything."

"I know, I'm just not ready to yet."

"Okay darlin'."He said kissing her forehead.

They had a nice breakfast together talking and laughing. Burgess finally felt happy, forgetting about what happened. About how she was kidnapped, beaten, knocked out, and shot at.

After breakfast, Burgess went to the hospital to see how Roman was doing. When she walked into the room, Roman was lying on the bed with his forehead wrapped in bandaging.

"Burgess, what brings you by?"

"Just wanted to see how you were doing."

"I'm good, thanks. How are you doing?"

"I'm fine, I guess. Just taking some time off of work to recover from it all."

Burgess stayed and talked to Sean for a good hour before deciding to go home and let him rest. On her way home she got a text from Ruzek asking if she wanted to go out to dinner tonight and that he would meet her there later. When Burgess walked into her apartment and to her surprise, Lindsay was there.

"Erin, what are you doing here."

"Ruzek said he wanted me to take you shopping to get a nice dress to wear to dinner tonight."

"Oh wow he's really going all out, isn't he?"

"Yeah well, that boy really loves you."

"Yeah." Burgess said blushing.

The two girls spent the day shopping. Lindsay told her how the guys who kidnapped her and Roman are in prison and will be for a long time, which brought a huge wave of relief off of Burgess. They looked around for a dress and found the perfect one. They made their way back to Burgess's apartment, where Lindsay helped Burgess get ready for dinner. Burgess met Ruzek at her favorite restaurant, where you could sit outside, overlooking the lake.

"You look beautiful" He said as she walked over to him in the parking lot.

"Thank you." She said smiling.

"Shall we?"

"Lead the way."

They had an amzaing dinner together talking and laughing together. Burgess hadn't even thought about her kidnapping since this morning, which made her happy.

After dinner they walked hand in hand, around the lake. Suddenly, Ruzek got down on one knee.

"Oh my god, what are you doing?" Burgess asked, her eyes filling with tears of joy.

Ruzek pulled out a small red box and opened it to see and beautiful, dimond ring.

"Kim Burgess, your the bravest, strongest, and most amazing woman I've ever met. So will you make me the happiest man on Earth and be my wife?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" She said smiling and crying with tears of joy.

Ruzek quickly got up and gave her the most passionate kiss they ever shared.

Author's note

So I won't be able to update that much this week and next week because I have finals, but I will try to. I hope you guys liked this chapter!

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