11: On the Way

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It was hopeless, it's been a year and 5 months since the first son of the Henituse family disappeared.

At the first weeks they just thought he was being petty because of the fight happened between him and his father that resulted him leaving their county.

He didn't contact them but he was uploading on his social media his whereabouts and photos, his way to make them sure he was fine and where he is. And he is using the card his father gave him.

But then, all of a sudden he stopped uploading and using his card.

It made them worried, but they still haven't put a search on him, because his last use of card was enormous amount but not enough to bankrupt their family, it wasn't even a 10% of their wealth.

"Maybe he is using that money instead of withdrawing everytime, let's wait for a week maybe he'll use his card and reveal his location" Violan coaxed her husband, but she's worried too.

Then they waited, and waited, until they got a ransom threat.

They're anxious of a thought that their son might be kidnapped and they're worried so they tried to negotiate, with police on their side in it was only a scam. They're low level scammers but still got arrested, however while being interrogated, one of them sang a clue.

"We never kidnapped him, but we knew he was kidnapped, so we thought we could get some ransom from you, please just let me live!" The scammer pleaded to an old man

"Where? When?" The son of the old man asked.

An old man along with son investigated all of the nonsense, in disbelief that their puppy is kidnapped as they taught him how to be safe in every situation, with a heavy heart.

All of the efforts were in vain, everything they have found still ends with the scammers' information and back to him being missing.

Then... After six months, they found some clues.

"My lord, we found out that the young master's card has been used"

But then, the apocalypse happened, it happened so fast that they were caught off guard, and they were forced to halt the search and rescue.

"He must be safe out there, we have to trust him"

Being a noble family might be a perks but it has a lot of cons.

"This is Choi Han, he's a survivor and he wants to be a help" Deruth introduced the Korean.

"Hello" is the only thing he could say because they have crossed paths before. He was an exchange student, kind and sports smart student from South Korea to be their representative of swordsmanship competitions. But Cale Henituse was able to push some of his bottons and, beat the weak and drunk lass.

The tension is high and silence between them is deafening.

"Please, find my son" the cry from the hopeless father, though he is a great count, being able to grasp the situation and make and act their solutions, he is still a fool father to his son whom he dotes on and love but unintentionally abandoned of his presence.

Ron and his son Beacrox, together with Choi Han, are in a plane to South Korea.

Though they are on bad terms, they have to maintain peace between them. They have to resume the halted search and rescue.

"The puppy's card was last used in this branch in South Korea...." Ron said and then became confused.

"Why the hell he is in South Korea?" Han asked also in confused manner.

"We don't know the kidnappers motive, but the last clue we had was he was forcefully being dragged inside a van"

"Why didn't you saved him before then? He was kidnapped right? Don't tell me you didn't gave ransom?" Han said as he jumped in his conclusion.

"You're right but that's only half of information you got, he was kidnapped and we didn't gave any ransom to the kidnappers beside the scammers because there was no ransom threat or even kidnapping notice, they just snatched him and disappeared"

"Of course the puppy isn't stupid to hide his location despite being able to use his card, we taught him everything to be safe, he will do everything to send his cry for help, he relied on us since being in his mother's womb"

"So you are the reason he is arrogant, selfish and apathetic to everyone's well being and spit insults and fights everyone who he sees and poison himself with alcohol?" He asked

"..... As he should, however poisoning himself with alcohol is from him being son of a bitch". Beacrox answered. "After all he is our young puppy"

"???? So you're saying his mother is the one responsible of his alcoholic addiction?" Han couldn't believe this father son duo.

"Muscle brain idiot, the late countess is one hell of an angel, the bitch one is his father. He made him spoiled and actually showed himself that being drunk dead is the answer" eye sided him as he sighed.

"But the count is a nice and good man, he is even a good father to young master Basen" he is confused

"Muscle man, that is he is now, but you haven't seen the one he was after the death of the late countess, and him being a good father to the young master Basen is only to the young master but to our puppy he is...." Beacrox couldn't contain himself but explain to this idiot what happened before but he couldn't continue as he doesn't have the heart to be reminded how helpless they were being unable to help their puppy but be by his side as he continue to destroy himself, watching him wither the will and lose himself.

"What??? You can't leave me hanging, what did the count do to him to be like that?!"

"You were loved right? Good for you" The last sentence he threw to the loading young man.

"What the hell??? Beacrox???"

Finished the festival, I hate festivities in our home, many work and chores to do. Only work for me to do no fun as no friends to be with, all of them are busy...

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