Once Upon A Time

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The day James Fleamont Potter was born was a miracle. Both his parents were older and had apparently been trying for years to have a child. Then miracle child James came into the picture. James loved his parents and they loved him in return, but he alway felt different from. But years went by and he ignored the tug on his heart to question things.

Now in his last year of Hogwarts, James felt the feeling come back. He tried to ignore it as he sat with his friends, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, and Peter Pettigrew. It would have been easier to ignore had his girlfriend been with him. Around his fourth year he gave up on trying win Lily Evans heart. Finally the rejection and degradation from her became to much and he gave up. After weeks of moping around he finally saw Davina McGonagall, the girl he now called his.

" You alright Prongs?'' Remus asked his friend worriedly, the group knew James struggled. When dealing with love he was open book, when talking about what he was going through he was less so. In his mind he was the Marauders' leader he brought them together, he bared their burdens not the other way around.

James turned at looked at his friends giving them a smile, " Yeah, just... just wondering Vina is.''

The group could tell he was lying but let it go as Davina McGonagall walked over to them. In the eyes of Marauders she was their saving grace. She had saved James from himself and they would forever be thankful to her.

" Hi boys,'' She said as she reached them. She placed a kiss on James cheek and sat down on his lap.

The group greeted her happily, " Where were you, love?'' James asked her curiously.

" Speaking with my mother,'' she admitted as began to run her fingers through James' hair, " Apparently a letter came last night. Dumbledore's going to mention today.''

Sirius shook his head, " What's so special about a letter?''

As he asked the question Dumbledore stood and looked around the Great Hall, " If I could have everyone attention please,'' the hall quieted down to allow to the headmaster to speak, " Last night I received a letter. The letter claimed to be from the future, stating that today we would be receiving guests from both past and future,'' His words caused many to be shocked, " Now note, if this is a prank there will be consequences.''

" Calm down Dumbledore,'' A female voice said causing everyone to look at the door of great.

Dumbledore looked at group around the woman before his eyes settled on her, " I can assume you are the one who sent the letter?''

" Not me specifically but yes,'' The woman told him, with glare.

Minerva stood up beside the headmaster, " Why don't you all introduce yourselves. The people from the past may go first.''

" Tom Riddle,'' A tall man, with aristocratic features, and arm around a young woman spoke. Dumbledore froze at the name, having been years since had last heard it.

The woman next to him spoke next, " Carina Black'' she spoke with a fond smile.

" Is she related to you?'' James asked his friends in a whisper.

Sirius shrugged his shoulders, " I've heard whispers, but mother refused to speak more on the subject.''

" Abraxas Malfoy,'' a blonde man beside Tom said.

A taller man with long black hair and a woman hanging off his arm went next, " Orion Black.''

" Druella Rosier,'' The blonde with Orion said last, she was slightly taller than Carina and her structure was more aristocratic.

" Well than,'' Minerva said noticing there were only the people from the past were done, " Why doesn't the future start.''

" Hermione Granger,'' A snobby looking girl said, " Gryffindor 5th year. Muggleborn''

A redheaded boy spoke next, " Ronald Weasley, Gryffindor 5th year. Son of Arthur and Molly Weasley. ''

A blonde boy with slicked back hair went after him, " Draco Malfoy, Slytherin 5th year. Son of Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy.''

A taller boy went next he had chubbier features and a timid face, " Neville Longbottom, Gryffindor 5th year. Son of Alice and Frank Longbottom.'' Alice blushed and cuddle into Frank's chest.

Two boy walked up next, both had redhead and you could easily tell they were twins, " Fred,'' one of them started.

" And George,'' the other said before speaking together, " Weasley.''

" 7th year, Gryffindor,'' Fred added before George finished, " Sons of Arthur and Molly Weasley.''

A redheaded girl went after, " Ginny Weasley, 4th year Gryffindor. Only daughter of Arthur and Molly Weasley.''

" We have a girl,'' Arthur breathed out in shock.

Fabian and Gideon laughed, " Seems someone was busy,'' they teased.

" I'm Luna Lovegood,'' A short blond with a dream like voice said, " 4th year Ravenclaw. Daughter of Pandora and Xenophilius Lovegood.''

A dark-haired man standing behind the woman who spoke to Dumbledore went next, " Declan Lestrange. I was a Slytherin and my parents are Rabastan Lestrange and Mary Macdonald.'' 

Lily glares at her friend, " Really, a death eater?'' she questioned the girl angrily.

The only person left was girl who had unknowingly challenged Dumbledore.  She had long, messy brown hair, her posture was slumbed and she seemed worn down, " Well, I guess that leaves me,'' she said before crossing her arms over chest, " I'm Dorea Potter...''

" YES!'' James yelled cutting off his daughter.

Many her friends were waiting for her yell, knowing she hated begin interrupted. What shocked them was she laughed at his antics, '' Jamie,'' Davina called getting her boyfriend's attention, '' I know you're happy, but let the poor girl finnish speaking.''

" Anywho,'' Dorea said clearing her throat, " I'm a 5th year Gryffindor. I am the only daughter of James Potter and Davina Potter.''

After introducing themselves the future went to speak with their respective parents. Dorea was hesitant to go up to her family. She had only ever heard stories from Padfoot and Moony, and to see them in person scared her.

" Prongslet!'' Sirius called as he, the marauders, and Davina made there way over to her.

Finally she broke down, running into Sirius' arms as she cried. The oldest Black brother looked at his friends confused. Davina ever the kind hearted woman she was walked over to her daughter and gently touched her arm, " What's wrong sweetie?''

Dorea lifted her head looked at the little family that had gathered around her. Peter, Remus, Sirius, Declan, James, and Davina were all there. They all were worried about her, " Nothing,'' she breathed out happily, " You're all here, so nothing is wrong.''

" What's he doing over here?'' James asked, worried for his daughter. He knew the Lestranges followed Voldemort.

Dorea chuckled lightly at her father's worry, " Honestly he is one of the few people I trust.''

'' Well shall we begin?'' Dumbledore asked breaking up the families moment to speak with one another. Not that he cared, he was more worried about these movies were going to show than whether or the families got acquainted with each other.

I See Red [WTM: Harry Potter]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora