Chapter 1

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The screen came back on showing a street on Private Drive. it then quickly showed a house with the number 4 on it. A man appeared on the corner where a cat had been sitting silently watching the street around it. The man walked over the street quietly causing the cat's tail to twitch and eyes to narrow.

" Mum?'' Davina questioned in shock, what could her mother possibly be doing in what appeared to be the muggle world.

James looked at his girlfriends curiously, " How do you know that's Minnie?''

The man on Private Drive wass tall, thin, and very old with a long grey bread. he had on long rodes and purple cloak that swept the ground when he walked. His eyes held a twinkle behind his glasses. The man was Headmaster Albus Dumbledore. 

Rummaging through his cloak he chuckled lightly and muttered, " I should have known,'' as he found what he was looking for inside his pocket. The object seemed to a silver cigarette lighter, flicking it open he held it up in the air and clicked it. The nearest street lamp went out with a slight pop.

He clicked it again and the next lamp flickered into darkness, " Fancy seeing you here, Professor McGonagall,'' he turned and smiled at the cat. The cat had gone and in it's place was a rather severe-looking woman. She was wearing and emerald cloak with her drawn into a tight bun and yet despite all this she looked distinctly ruffled.

" Told you,'' Davina teased in a song like voice.

Orion looked at the pair, " What are you both doing there?''

" How did you know it was me?'' Professor McGonagall asked Dumbledore clearly annoyed.

Dumbledore chuckled lightly at his words, " My dear professor, I've never seen a cat sit so stiffly.''

McGonagall grew more annoyed by his words, " You'd be stiff too if you'd been sitting on a brick wall all day.''

" All day?'' He questioned in shock, " When you could have been out celebrating? I must have past a dozen feasts and parties on my way here,'' he explained.

" What was so special?'' Andromeda asked in confusion.

Dorea sighed and shook her head, " The fall of the Dark Lord.''

" Wait,'' Sirius said, " So this is still Halloween in 1981? James and Davina just died and you wanted her to celebrate,'' he sneered at Dumbledore angrily, " Davina's her daughter.''

Druella scoffed at his words, " Clearly that means very little to him.''

" Are the rumors true, Albus?'' McGonagall asked not wanting to talk about how most of the wizarding world was celebrating.

Dumbledore nodded, " I'm afraid so professor. The good and the bad.''

McGonagall sighed and wiped her eyes of the tears she has shed, " And the girl?''

" Hagrid is bringing her,'' He stated, he had little care for the child or where she ended up but this was is best option.

McGonagall shook  her head, " Do you think it is wise to trust Hagrid with something as important as this?''

" I will always trust Hagrid,'' Dorea admitted making the half-giant blush at her words.

Ron looked at her angrily, " What about us and Dumbledore?'' he asked her, this wasn't supposed to be part of the plan. She was supposed to trust them and Dumbledore, not Declan; Remus; and Black family.

" Ah, Professor, I would trust Hagrid with my life,'' Dumbledore told her.

The sound of motor breaks up their conversation. The two professors look up to see a flying motorcycle coming down from the air. It skids on the street to a halt. A large man with shoulder length black hair and a bread takes of his goggles.

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