Tobi #1

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This is for JetBlackLucy aka Lucy

(Tobi's POV)
"Hey guys it's Tobi here or Tbjzl! And today me and the rest of the Sidemen are going to Thorpe Park!" I yelled at the Camara walking into the sidemen house kitchen.

"HEY TOBI!" Simon yelled

"HEY SIMON" I yelled back

"HEY TOBI!" Ethan yelled

"No that's our thing." Simon wined as he told Ethan.

I just started laughing.

Callum and Callum (Freezy and Callux) were both their too.

"Vikk were are we going?" Simon asked Vikk also vlogging.

"Shreddie Land!" Vikk smiled pointing at the cereal he was eating.

There was some silence then Freezy spoke up.

"Thorpe Park MoFo!" He yelled making all of us laugh.

I stopped vlogging and started talking with the boys.

Eventually our cab got there and we all left.

~Time skip car ride, most of it consisted of singing Taylor Swift and JJ being JJ~

I walked into Thorpe Park with all the lads. Ethan and Simon were acting Stupid and jumping around. Harry, Freezy and Callux were chasing each other around. Josh was giving Vikk a piggyback rid. And me and JJ were laughing at their stupidity.

(I don't live in England so idk any of the rides there(yes I watch their vlogs but I forgot the names))

We rode a couple roller-costars and rode some water rides. As lunch came around we got bored so we went and sat on some benches. I saw this girl sitting with 3 of her friends, laughing about something.

Every now and then we would make eye contact and then quickly look away.

"I think that girl is staring at you." Simon leaned over and told me.

I looked back up as she smiled at me and looked away.

"You should go for it!" He told me pushing me up from my seat.

I laughed a little bit and walked over to where they were sitting. Her friends started freaking out. I don't know why.

They got up and said goodbye. I saw them walk to the bathroom, leaving the girl by herself. I walked up beside her and sat down.

"Hey, I'm Tobi!" I turned towards her, sticking my hand out.

"Lucy." She grabbed my hand and shook it, smiling.

"So I couldn't help but notice you starring, like what you see?" I laughed.

"Wow, cocky are you?" She questioned.

"No I'm sorry! I'm not normally like this. It's just your so pretty and I would really like to take you out sometime." I looked at the ground waiting for her to say no.

"Okay! What's your number!" She giggled when she saw my head perk up.

I told her my number and skipped back over to the lads while her friends came back over.

I heard them all giggling and the lads yelling "get some" and pushing me around.

I couldn't wait for tomorrow night, our date night!

~Skip to 5 months later~

"Lucy?" I yelled out into the little log cabin I walked into.

I saw her friend walk around the corner.

"She's in her room." She told me and jogged out the door.

I walked up some stairs and to the only room upstairs. I knocked on the door and waited for her to answer. She then opened the door.

"Hey Tobi!" I kissed her on the check.

We have been dating for 5 months but we still haven't kissed or anything like that. We've only hugged and held hands. Is that taking things too slow? I think not.

"I was just about to film a Q&A, wanna join me?" She questioned.

She also does YouTube. She has over 2 mill subscribers. She lives in a house with her two other friends, kinda like the Sidemen house.

"Sure!" I answered smiling.

~Skip a few questions~

"How did you guys meet?" Lucy read out loud. "Let's do s sketch type thing for this one!" She got excited.

We both stood up and set up the Camara. We moved some stuff out of the way and got ready to act it out.

I started to walk over to her but I tripped and landed on top of her, making her fall backwards.

I was right above her. I looked into her eyes and she looked at mine. She moved her eyes to look at my lips and then back up at me. So I went for it.

I leaned down slowly and she raised up slightly, until our lips connected.

It was very soft and slow. Sweet and nice. She had really soft lips that tasted like cherry Chapstick.

I pulled away slowly looking into her eyes again.

"It took you long enough." She whispered and then giggled.

"I'm glad I don't have to wait any longer to do this." I leaned back down quickly and gave her a peck on the lips.

I got up and then helped her up. She looked at the Camara and then back at me.

"Wanna re-film it?" She asked.

"Nah!" I walked over to the Camara and looked into the lens.

"Well that wasn't exactly what happened soo.. Subscribe!" I put my hand over the Camara and turned it off.

"Now come here!" I said opening my arms for her to walk into.

She walked over and wrapped her arms around my torso. I was slightly taller than her,

"I love you." I whispered.

"I love you too." She whispered back.

I'm so so so so so sorry that took so long! I haven't had the motivation to update any of my stories! If u requested something I probably forgot so request it again! Hope u like it!


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