Simon #2

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This on is for YasmeenAnwar

(Yaz's POV)

I walked down the hallway looking for that loser, Simon. Ever since 7th grade I've been bullying him. I don't exactly know why, it just kinda started.

I kept walking and people kept moving out of my way. They knew not to mess with me.

I think they found it funny how a girl like me could make someone like Simon afraid of them.

He's about 5'7 or 5'8 and I'm only 5'4. He's really nerdy though. So he doesn't have much muscle.

I noticed the tall, dirty blonde at his locker, rushing to get his stuff together. He looked very flustered.

He looked cute like that. No Yaz! What are you thinking! You can't like him!

"Hey! Blondie!" I yelled. He stopped dead in his tracks. He turned around knowing it was me. I was short but I was still able to reach his face.

I walked up to him, and punched his right in his jaw. He stumbled backwards, not ready for a direct punch.

My thoughts of him being cute made me want to beat him up even more.

A teacher walked by before I could do anything else.

"Come on kids, stop huddling around, get to class!" She snapped walking past.

I walked over to Simon grabbing his shirt and pulling him down, I whispered in his ear,

"I'm getting you later Minter. And don't even think about getting out of it." I pulled back and smiled at him so the teacher would think we were just talking.

<Time Skip to Science class>

I was sitting in the class next to my best friend (gonna use my name again cause I'm to lazy) Dakota.

Mrs. Irwin (looking at my 5sos poster for that one) was reading off names of partners. We had to do a project with them, outside of school. I was hoping me and Dakota would be partners.

"... Vikk and Harry.." The two boys high fived. Such children.

"... Dakota and Ethan..." I heard Ethan sigh and saw Dakota smirk. She was his bully, but I knew she secretly liked him.

"... Joshua and Jide..." I heard Josh whisper something to JJ, both of them laughing. The only two left in the class was me and Simon.

".... And the last two are Simon and Yaz. Now, no arguing about your partners. If I hear a word from anyone, everyone is getting a zero! Understand?" She asked us all.

People shook their heads, indicating they understood.

"Good now get with your partners and start working on what your going to do. Trade numbers to know who's house your going to and stuff like that. Have fun." She waved us on.

Dakota got up, winking at me and walked over to Ethan's desk.  Simon got up and walked over to mine. He pulled out the chair. Looking up at the front of the classroom.

"So, what's your address?" I asked him. He turned his head slightly, still not looking at me.

"What?" He questioned.

"For the project loser! Like I would actually want to know where you live." I pushed him slightly.

"Well, maybe we should do it at your house." He stuttered.

"No. Because then you won't show up." I glanced at him, wondering what he was hiding.

He hesitated for a while before giving me his address. We shockingly  did what we were supposed to and talked about the project. I just wanted to know what he was talking about when I made him do all the work.

~Time skip cause I'm lazy~

It was 6:00 and I decided to go ahead and walk to Simons house. It wasn't that far away, just a couple of blocks.

I found his house after minutes of walking. I slowly walked up to his door and knocked.

A younger girl opened, with tears in her eyes.

"Hi, um, is Simon home?" I asked, trying to find words. Maybe now wasn't a good time.

"Yea. He's up in his room. I'll take you there. I'm Meg by the way." She stuck out her hand, cracking a small, but fake, smile.

"I'm Yaz. I'm here for a project we have to do for school." I shook her hand and followed her up to his room.

"Here ya go!" She smiled, knocking on the door. "Simon! You got a friend here!" She smiled at me and walked away.

I heard movement in the room, and then finally the door opened. Before he could say anything, I pushed past him.

My eyes wondered around his room. He had albums hung up on his walls. He had a MacBook and a Camara sat next to each other.

He had a huge flat screen TV pushed into a corner. It had a Wii, XBox, and a PlayStation.

"So. Where do you want to start?" He asked me. He sat in his chair and I sat on his bed.

Before I could say anything his dad barged into the room.

"Simon Minter!" He yelled. "Where is your sister!"

"I- I don't know." He stuttered, eyes facing the ground.

"Where is your sister!" He yelled once more, slapping Simon across the face.

"I told you I didn't know!" He yelled back at him.

I stood up slowly and backed into an empty corner of his room.

"And who is this pretty young girl?" He asked Simon getting closer and closer to me. Soon I could smell the alcohol in his mouth.

"Leave her alone!" Simon yelled again, taking a step forward.

"Oh, so you wouldn't mine if I did this?" He asked him, grasping my butt with his hands.

I jumped up trying to get out of his reach.

I heard some moving and then glass smashing loudly. Next thing I know his dad is passed out in front of me.

"Come here." Simon whispered holding his hand out towards him.

I grabbed it and shuffled over to him. I wrapped my arms around his body, hugging him tightly.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yea. Just a little shocked." I whispered.

"Now you know how I feel everyday." He said it so softly that I could barely hear him.

"I'm so sorry Simon!" I hugged him even tighter. I heard him laugh a bit.

All of a sudden his sister ran into the room.

"Simon! I heard a loud crash and-" She looked over and saw their dad and me and Simon hugging.

"Thank you Simon!" She also ran up and hugged him. When she let go she looked at us. I still had one arm around him and he had one arm around me.

"Are you two a, ya know, thing?" She asked us.

"Does this answer your question?" Simon asked.

He leaned down slowly and gently placed his lips on mine. I slowly, but surly, kissed him back. It was beautiful.

Sorry this took so long! But I really hope you liked it!!


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