Your boy based on school

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Sporty- Simon
You love trying out and participating in any sport activity. You also have a great body, from all the running in what ever sport you do. Your also the person the coach picks first for everything because your one of their best.

Popular- JJ
You know everyone and everyone knows you. You have lots of friends. Your nice most of the time, but if someone makes you mad then their going down. Your not necessarily friends with everyone and like everyone, but they all know who you are.

Nerd/Geek- Vikk
Your one of the smarter ones. Everyone goes to you for homework help, or what happened in that book they were supposed to read. But you ended up being the only person who actually read it. You get along with everyone but you do get made fun of sometimes for being weird.

Classclown- Ethan
Your the type of person who always tries to make everyone laugh. You get in trouble with teachers just to get laughs. It's your thing and everyone knows you like that. Without you there some of those people wouldn't smile like they do with out u getting in trouble.

School Sweetheart- Josh
Just like Josh, everyone loves you. Everyone thinks your adorable. Some people even love love you. You've had various boyfriends/girlfriends in the past but you play very hard to get. Every time someone meets you they instantly fall in love.

Foreign Exchange Student- Harry (lol I'm so mean 😂❤️ love ya Harry)
You have moved schools at least once. And at least once have you moved country's, making you the weird foreign exchange student that no one likes until they really meet you. You like to keep to yourself unless someone else is willing to open up to you.

Calm and collected but funny when they want- Tobi
Just like Tobi you are very calm most of the time. You only get wild around your friends. But there's always that moment when you can say that one thing that makes everyone laugh.

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