Chapter 4 Unlikely Visitors Outside the Wall pt/1

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A/N: aah! Sorry for being late! I'm currently working with @Feethecracker on a fic called Not So Fortunate Happenings. It's a crossover fic featuring Naruto and My Hero Academia. Go check it out! 

Anyway here's my work. I do not own Attack on Titan or Demon Slayer--they belong to Isayama Hajime and Gotoge Koyoharu. I do not own the above image either.

Levi checked his face in the small but spotless mirror. No use. The stain just would not come off. He was going to get Hange for that. Giving the black spot on his already red skin one last resentful scrub, he hung up the towel, smoothed out his hair, and went out of his room, closing the door quietly behind him. 

As he walked towards the interrogation rooms, rubbing his face absentmindedly, he thought about all the stuff that had happened. Things had been strange of late. Titan activity had been down by forty percent, and they could be seen wandering away from the walls. As for Annie, Reiner, and Bertolt, there was still no sign of them. But strangest of all—

He heard someone running up behind him. "Hey, Levi! How are you?" Hange shouted, catching up.

"Thanks to you, I now have a permanent black splotch on my face" Levi answered grimly, shooting Hänge an icy glare. "What was that stuff?"

"Super-permanent ink. It's for marking suspicious Titans for further study. Don't worry, it'll come off in a few weeks when your skin changes out." The goggles-wearing mad scientist giggled.

"In case you haven't noticed, we have a meeting today, and I don't have a few weeks." Levi growled. Hange knew how to get on his nerves—probably doing this on purpose...

"Well, it's your fault you barged into the laboratory without looking. But then, you're so short you probably couldn't tell-"

Levi stomped down, hard, on Hange's foot. He heard the bones pop. Hange winced but knew better than to speak. "Shut up" Levi snapped, and resumed walking. "Did the results for the blood test come in yet?"

"Yup. Those guys sure put up a fight. But I got the results in the end. Hey, there's Erwin."

The commander in chief of the Survey Corps, looking calm as usual, was waiting in front of the interrogations room. It always annoyed Levi how Erwin just looked down at him. And now today he had a big black spot on his nose. Oh great.

"Hello, Levi, Hange" Erwin greeted as he saw them. "What's the black spot?"

"Hange's fault" said Levi. "What are the results for the blood test?"

"Inconclusive, except one guy's DNA had some really interesting mutations." Hänge said excitedly. "And also—"

"That's enough, Hange" said Erwin. "Let's go in." 

The interrogation rom was a small but very secure room—the walls were thick, solid wood, soundproofed,  and there were no windows, only the door, which had a lock and a bolt. Levi noted with distaste the cobwebs in the ceiling corners and the grime on the small table.  Evidently someone wasn't cleaning properly. He made up his mind to report this later and stepped in, glaring at the soldier on guard, who flinched. Weakling.

Erwin sat down on one of chairs, and Levi, after making sure there was no dirt on it, sat down on the other. Whenever there was an interrogation, there were supposed to be two captains in the room ( it had been two ever since a prisoner managed to knock out the captain in the room and escape). Hange was not supposed to be there but had tagged along for "scientific reasons." Levi was sure Hange was only there to have something to do.

Erwin nodded to the soldier in front of the door. "Bring them in."  The soldier went out, his footsteps making the cloudy oil lamp swing wildly.

"How many were there again?" Levi asked. Erwin had barely told him anything the other night, and no-one else knew except for them and a few trusted soldiers.

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