cliff hanger! x3

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Nami. Nami what do you want luffy whispered quietly.

Luffy. Captain. I.. I want you. You are someone i care for greatly, our friendship. Our.... relationship..

Luffy kept a silent blank look. Luffy stop being so stoic!
Nami- i don't know what to think.. my chest hurts when i think about what you said... im childish... not worth of being a captain.
I am me, i can't be anyone else... i like you more than my namaka.

I.. i can't handle you not talking to me but you feeling im childish and immature.. i care about your opinion..

Luffy nami said quietly.
I... i think... i think... that i... lo-like you alot. More than everyone on the sunny.
Luffy.. my captain. May i ask a small favor?
Hm? What do you need? Or want?
You. Can i sleep in your room with you? Give me a few minutes.

Luffy finished cleaning up and then rinsed off and got dressed... in his boxers and black pj pants.
Nami was laying across the bed thinking while slowly touching his hat.
She was remembering when he put the hat on her and saved her from prison on fisherman island.
Luffy. She sighed dreamily.

Said person walked over with a smile and leaned down not being able to stop himself, kissed nami on the lips softly then moved to his hammock and placed his hat on his face as he went to sleep.
The image of nami's shocked and flustered face ected into his brain. Her scent. Her taste. Her smile. The way she acted. He fell asleep with a peaceful smile instead of the broken look and tear streaked face he's had for the past couple of days.
Fox: (Aww)
Me: you liked it?
Fox: uh duh?!
Me: so you'll stop publishing all my things now?
Fox: ... no
Me: you know your a Ass.
Fox: i know! Now update! It was to good to be true?!
Me: how so?!
Fox: because he smiles at the end she's shocked its a cliffhanger. What about the rest of the crew?!
Also you had zoro as captain for a full week. XD your insane.
Me: .... yeah and your point is?
Fox: ... nothing.

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