dreams and nightmares.

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Luffy awoke to his mind scrambling..
He suddenly realized that nami wasn't there putting him mind to remember his dream of the cliff.
He frowned but then smiled, walking out of his room for the first time that week.

Zoro stood making sure everyone was eatting breakfast. "The captain" gave a sharp look to the door hearing the almost silent door opening again... wait he scanned the room swiftly releasing a small happy hn. Your away captain.

Everyone turned seeing Luffy with a small smile. He sat at the end of the table between Zoro and Robin. Robin spoke up chief-san can you get Luffy a few bigger pieces of meat?

Sanji was already up and cooking. Guys really it's okay. Im not really hungry. Everyone stared like Luffy grew a second head a tail and four arms.

Zoro smirked as he ate his food. Everyone doing the same as sanji finally handed Luffy his food. He smiled and took a small bite.

He soon got back to eatting almost like he used to, yet something was off. Luffy set his dishes in the sink and went to the head of sunny relaxing there alone. Happily.

Zoro pulled nami to the side before she could go and speak with her captain. Look nami he said in a stern tone, noone but you, luffy and myself and robin know why luffy stayed in his room, also give him space... he's finally looking like his old self... sorta.

Zoro walked off only to catch Robin going towards the rooms. He followed like he seemed to do more then he often didn't.

Robin and Zoro walked side by side and they entered her study.
The room filled to the brim with books.
He pulled on one of his trusty swords.
He started to sharpen it.

Robin as usual grabbed a different book, opening it and smarted to hum a soft melody Hallelujah.
She softly sung the soft melody while Zoro watched in amazement at how her voice altered and came up with the perfect melody to sing the sweet song.

Zoro put his swords down as he smiled and leaned closer to her then he was.

Faking a yawn for once he streched pulling Robin closer subconsciously he laid his head in her lap and humed along with her strong high voice with his alto toned voice they sung their soft melody smiling.

They forgot what they were doing as their eyes met in a similar fashion and as if time stopped... Zoro sat up as Robin leaned down after she subconsciously set her book down page folded for a later read.

Their lips met and molded together as if made for one another.
They both smiled as a soft hum came from Zoro as Robin moaned slightly into the kiss.

They separated and as if nothing happened they were back to Zoro laying on her lap as the sung melodies together. Sanji came rushing into the room yelling marines!!!

They took LUFFY!!!!
Now everyone was no longer smiling as and uncomfortable silence surrounded the entire deck as Luffy gave a haku out. Marines fell like dying flies.

His anger flaring as he was happy just laying on The ship he loved so much.
It was his namaka.

His eyes provided something to a nightmare. His anger became the devil who was growing pissed off by the second.

Gum gum bazooka.

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