Starting to forgive [Chapter 2]

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You yawn waking up, and wipe your eyes, you look over to Hunter who's still sleeping peacefully wrapped in blankets and lays his head on a pillow, You smile softly, it was strangely endearing.

You shake off the thought and get up, stretching. You quietly go through your chores, not wanting to wake up Hunter and grab some clothes, a white shirt and black leggings, along with the classic red beanie you always wore. You look at Hunter for a second before exiting the room, he probably needed sleep, it seems his eye bags had gotten worse since you last saw him...

You blow it off for now and go downstairs to make some cereal, You go down the stairs and into the kitchen, grabbing the Lucky Charms and putting them in a bowl, then you ad the milk. "Morning" a voice says, you turn. "Good morning, Gus was it?" You said, he nods. "Yep that's me" he takes the milk and pours it in his bowl....before putting the cereal this kid insane?

"The cereal supposed to go first" you say, trying to correct his psychotic behavior.

"Eh, works the same" Gus shrugs.

You give him an 'are you crazy?' look and walk away to go eat your cereal, sitting on the couch.

You lean into the couch, just staring at the wall as you ate, seeming to zone out, your mind aboustly blank, you were bored out of your mind.


Hunter, now finally awake, comes downstairs, stretching before looking around. "Right, nearly forgot we were in the human realm" Hunter rubs his eyes.

"Good morning Sleepyhead" you say, leaning against the wall. "What time is It?" Hunter says, still sounding half asleep. "11:34, so judging by that you haven't gotten good sleep in a while" you say, Hunter nods. Hunter shakes is head a bit to wake himself up.

"Anyway, whatcha doing?" He asks. "Aboustly nothing and it's boring me out of my mind" you say, it's true, you were very bored. "What about we all go to library?" Luz says from the couch. Your ears Imdatatily perk. "Oooh yes! I'll get some Hexsis Holdem cards tho first, wouldn't want anyone seeing me in mah Baslisk form, that wouldn't be good" you say with a chuckle, heading upstairs and grabbing some cards, you shapeshift into your human form. And go back down, grabbing you jacket from the coat rack and putting it on. "C'mon let's go" you seem very eager to get to the library.

"Okay relax we're coming" Luz Chuckles and grabs some things, Her and Hunter come to the door, now ready to go to the library.

At The Library:

You look around.





Wait romance? Yes! You love romance books, you go down the isle, looking at the books when one catches your eye

Heated Rivals

Was the title, you grin and grab it. "That sounds pretty promising" You put it in your bag for later. "Huh didn't know you liked Romance Books"

You turn around, it's Hunter. "Yeah what's it to you?" You say. Hunter gives a slight chuckle. "I don't know, you just don't really seem like the kind of person to like that stuff, you always said that it was super cheesy" Hunter said. "Well not ALL of its cheesy" you say. "Alright then, anyways, how have you been since the whole...thing... y'know what I'm trying to say" Hunter adds the last part awkwardly.

"Pretty good actually, the human realms pretty nice, school isn't half bad, other then Luz's bully's, their annoying" you say. "Righttt Luz told me she had Bullies, I'm amusing they've been messing with you?" Hunter asks. "Well considering I've been pretending to be Luz for a while, yes" you answer. "What's up with you?" Hunter pauses. "Alot, like a lot alot, Luz will have to explain later"
You nod I'm understanding.

"So your not the Golden Gurad anymore?" Hunter nods. "Yep, no more Golden Gurad, no more Belos" Hunter said. "Huh, I'm glad your not working with Belos anymore, but it's kind of a shame, you looked good in your Uniform" You can't help but smirk a little as you say the last bit. Hunter flushes slightly "thanks I guess" he mumbles.

You chuckle "what kinda books do you like?" You ask, smiling. "I think I like Sci-fi a lot" He says, with a small shrug. "Yeah Sci-fi is pretty cool sometimes" Hunter smiles, then he remembers something he was gonna ask you. "Oh by the way, Could you show me around town tomorrow?" Hunter asks. "Sure" you shrug. "Alright cool, anyway I'm gonna go look around the Library, see ya!" Hunter say, turning around and going back down the Isle, before he leaves he does that thing he always does. "Byeeee!" His little bye, you chuckle as he leaves, maybe he wasn't as bad as you thought...

You smile a little, and continue to walk around the library.

A Basilisk And A Witch [Hunter X Basilisk Reader] (Discontunied)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora