Ugh, School [Chapter 4]

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You quickly pushed the button, tempted to throw your alarm, you hated the thing.

Hunter sits up. "What was that?" He says sleepily. "my alarm, it wakes me up for school, and it's gonna be waking you up to, also because Camila Inrolled you all in school its your first" you pause, realizing he was right next to you.

"Hunter, what are you doing in my damn bed?" You ask flatly, he flushes slightly. "I- well I was cold and your bed just looked so soft" Hunter says, clearly embarrassed. "It's fine, but there's no shame in asking" you sit up and yawn.

"Anyway it's technically My second first day of school since I was Pretending to be Luz and stuff" you get up romaging threw your chores, you hand him a black shirt and sweat pants. "Here wear this, I buy most my clothes from the men's section anyway so it should fit" you said.

Hunter wants to ask you why you do buy stuff from the men's section even tho your a girl, but doesn't know how to ask without sounding rude or sexist.

"Alright I can tell you want to know why, I'm a trans guy" you admit, Waiting for his reaction. (Srry if you guys aren't, This Y/N is mainly based of My Oc who's a Trans Baslisk so 🤷)

His eyes widen. "Okay, I was not expecting that" he was clearly surprised by this fact.

"Yeah that's what I was expecting your reaction to be, last time I saw you, what 3 years ago? I was pretty girly, and extremely sensitive" you mumble the second part.

Hunter takes a small second to process this. "Yeah, you have changed alot, also what happed with your teeth? I don't remember them being" the sight of your extremely sharp teeth made him shiver.

"I don't know, they just got sharper as I aged, guess some Basilisks just have sharper teeth then others" you shrug.

You pause for a second "alright we're getting distracted, go change and get ready for school"

Small lil time skip

Before you go outside you had him your beanie. "Where this to, we can't have anyone seeing your ears" you say, Hunter nods, remembering Humans don't have pointy ears and puts it on, he looked kinda cute, it and you smile.

You two head outside just in time for the Bus and get on with the others, there was chatting and all sorts of stuff being said. You and Hunter sit down together, when one of the kids yell, oh gosh.

"I Like Men!"

Ah yes Keilo, the annoying kid everyone hates (I have a kid named this on my Bus, he yells the most random stuff, he's super racist and annoying to).

"No one fucking cares Keilo!" Kaleigh Shouted.

You groan. "God this is why I hate the bus"

"I'm guessing it's always this way?" Hunter asks.

"Yep" you sigh in annoyance, and Keilo peaks over his seat, he was right behind you, great, just peachy. "Oh hey New kids" you don't respond.

"Rude" Keilo rolls his eyes and sits back down.

'Bitch your rude as fuck all the time' you say in your head, you and Hunter sit in silence for the rest of the Bus ride, the chatter, gossip, and Keilo's Annoying voice being heard around you.

You guys finally make it to school as the doors of both the Bus and School are opened, you and Hunter get off the Bus and go inside. "Holy Titian this place is big" Hunter says, looking around at the halls and the kids. "Don't worry, I can show you around and stuff, but first we need to go to the office and get are Schedules"

You drag him threw the halls, and down to the office, opening up the doors. "Hey Miss Michelle, me and My friend need are schedules, we're new"

Miss Michelle is going to als how you know her name already, maybe your mom or someone else told you? She decides not to ask and pulls out your slip, handing it to you. "Here young lady" Hunter Imdatatily corrects her.

"Young man, his Prouns are He/Him" he says calmly, but sternly. Miss Michelle Nods in understanding and hands Hunter his slip as well.

Locker number 104
Combo 5-23-9

1st period: Math, Mrs. Woda
2nd period: Science, Mrs. Servola
3rd Period: LA, Mr. Steffler
4th Period: Social Studies, Mr. Newmen
5th period: Art, Miss Gaylord  (lol I had to I'm sorry)
6th Period: band, Mr. Hild

"Lemme see you schedule I wanna see if we have some classes together" you grab Hunters Paper, wow you got lucky. "Huh, we have all the same classes each hour, that's convenient" Hunter smiles and takes his paper back. "That's good, you can teach me the ropes about this human school then" You make a fake cough and gesture towards Miss Michelle, who had heard him.

"Oh I mean people school, right hehe, because I was home schooled and stuff"
'Great save dumbass'

You sigh and drag him back off into the halls. "Alright you need to watch your mouth, you nearly got our cover blown there" you say. "I know I know, I'll be more careful with my words next time"

"Good" you say, you and Hunter walk to class in silence, but it wasn't awkward Silence, it was strangely comfortable actually.

~Lunch time~

As the bell rings everyone gets up. "Finally Lunch time" you were hungry. Hunter gets up and looks at you blankly, Waiting for you to tell him where the cafeteria is.

"Here let's go" you grab his hand, leading him out into the hallway, he smiles slightly looking down at his hand in yours as you drag him off to the Lunch room.

You both get in the lunch room, there's a bunch of talking and chatter as you enter the lunch line.

"OooOoh their holding hands" one kid in the line coos.

You look down at my hand, Hunter hadn't let go, and our fingers were intertwined now too, you smile slightly, blushing, but only a little and roll your eyes about the one kid that pointed out, ignoring them.

You and Hunter Get your guys lunch and sit at a table with Amity, Luz, Williow, And Gus.

"Hey guys" Luz says with a smile, but then her eyes go down to are intertwined fingers and a smirk creeps on her face. "Getting along really well I see" Hunter let's out a little huff, blushing, clearly embarrassed that Luz was teasing us about the holding hand things. "Were holding hands big whoop" you roll your eyes playfully.

Luz chuckles and the rest of the day is pretty smooth.

A Basilisk And A Witch [Hunter X Basilisk Reader] (Discontunied)Where stories live. Discover now