Bullies :/ [Chapter 6]

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It had been around a month since Luz and her friends got here, it was getting close to halloween and you and Hunter had gotten really close, you'd also forgave him for um....the past *awkward cough*

And things had been going smooth...

Expect one thing, not only were Luz's bullies picking on her, but also Hunter, and it was really starting to piss you off.

You and Hunter walk through the hallway of the school, heading to your lockers as per normal, there was still things Hunter didn't know but he was learning more and more about the human realm and how it worked.

And then, oopsie, Hunter bumps into Sarah, one of the bullies I was talking about a second ago.

"Watch where your going, ugly freak" she snickers, you glare at her.

"First of all, Hunter isn't some freak, and second, your calling him ugly? Girl you look fucking barbie with all that damn pink"

Hunter seems to hold back a laugh, a smile reacting his face.

Sarah gasps "How dare you! Do you know who I-"

"Yeah yeah I know, your the popular girl" you mock her voice. "and your dad's Rich, I know, big fucking whoop" you roll your eyes.

You sigh and grab Hunters hand. "Let's go, I've heard enough of this girl" you both walk away, Sarah just glares at you both as you continue on with your day like nothing happened. Liam, one of Luz's other bullies stands next to her. "Damn, he told you" Liam chuckles.

You and Hunter are now out of sight, and he starts laughing. "Wow, that was amazing" he gets a few more laughs out before sighing. "Love that you called her a barbie doll, that was probably the funniest part, and thanks.....for sticking up for me" Hunter smiles. "No need to thank me, that's was friends are for" You smiled softly and ruffle his hair a little.

"Heyyy, stopp~"
you smile and ruffle his hair a bit more before stopping. Hunter chuckles "why for you keep doing that?'' You shrug, you just liked messing with his hair. Hunter also just shrugs it off.

You both continue going on with day as per normal

You had really liked your LA Teacher, Mr. Stefflar was a pretty chill guy, tho snapped at times, but it was super funny cuz he had a British accent, you could just picture him saying

"Shut up! Ya bloody fuckers!"

And it was hilarious.

Your science teacher Miss Sorvala was pretty cool tho, but she always smiled, Like no matter what, even if she was angry, you could smell the passive aggression from a mile away.

Eventually it rolls around lunch time, and as usual you and Hunter walked together to the lunch room, who am I kidding you walked everywhere with that boy.

You both reach the lunch room, get lunch and sit down.

Luz, who Aboustly hates silence, starts a conversation, grabbing your attention.
"Did you hear? The fnaf movies coming out October 27" she says. You, very excited, smile.

"What's fnaf?" Hunter asks.

You do a slow head turn, with a big smile.

"No, don't even get her started or she won't shut up" Luz warns.

"Whatever, I like her voice anyway" Hunter jokes.

You spent the next half hour (alomst the full lunch time) explaining the game, lore, and animatronic in extreme detail aswell as making a few jokes here and there and sharing you theories about it, when you explained Aftons death Hunter looked horrified and it made you want to burst out laughing.

"And that's basically it" you finsh.

Hunter just looks at you like your insane. "Dead kids? Serial killers? Possessed animatronics? What kinda shit are you into man?" Luz and you burst out laughing. "One second" you say between laughs, and eventually calm down. "Relax, none of it is real, it's a game and book series" Hunter looks more relived at that. "Still, why do you even like spooky stuff like that? Why scar yourself?" Hunter seems a bit confused on why you'd want to be scared.

"Because, it's thrilling and gives you adrenaline, it's fun" you state, Hunter seems to kinda get it now. "Understandable" he shrugs.

The last few minutes of lunch are just random chats about nothing and the next 3 hours of school go by smoothly with no problems.

Once you get home you go upstairs and floop face first in the bed, it was cozy.

Hunter smiles "Is someone sleepy? How cute~" he chuckles.

"Oh quiet you, c'mere" You grab him, and pull him on the bed, cuddling him, Hunters smile softens and he doesn't resist, you guys were pretty touchy most of the time so he didn't mind at all, but....you couldn't help but get butterflies when he wrapped his arms around you


A Basilisk And A Witch [Hunter X Basilisk Reader] (Discontunied)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن