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It all started when I was a boy. The horrors that enveloped my life up to this day stemmed from my history of violence and a long line of - ah who am I kidding? This shit ain't dark nor depressing. To some, my life may look like a beautiful stroll through a park filled with flowers and lollipops and shit like that.

Anyway, here's the story:

At such a young age, I was constantly mauled by stupid criticism from my aunts and uncles. They would often say stuff like, "Ugh eat something before you turn into a stick," or something along those lines.

Yeah, I realize that it's just their dumb concern, but they've got to learn how to mind their own biz. Like, have they ever seen me eat? I could swallow a pig whole and not gain a pound.

Another thing is that why do they have to teach me shit like how to drink and smoke? I'm a kid! Not some homeless, 40-year old stoner!

With a bad foundation like that, they have no right to judge me if I turned into a worthless thug. In fact, they should be thankful that I didn't. They only have themselves to blame if that ever happened.

Last but not least, out of this world expectations. Yeah, I'd consider myself a smart cookie(I was second throughout elementary, and I graduated Salutatorian), but that does not mean that I'm fucking omniscient. While my mother doesn't really care much, my aunts and uncles would keep butting in saying, "Look at me, I'm rich and successful, because I do my best and blah blah, but you don't so you'll never never be rich and successful and blah blah like me! Ha ha ha blah! Wut cha lookin' at punk?"

And I would be like "Oh, good for you." Because I seriously don't give a fuck about their existence.

Then they would smile like they just changed the world or something. I bet they are the type of people who kiss their reflections everyday.

"JUST GO TO HELL AND ANNOY SATAN, BITCHES!!" is what I'd say if I wasn't raised with good morals.


I'd say that.


Don't judge me.

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