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Yeah I'm lazy...

Okay. Topic...

Oh yeah, WATTPAD.

I don't mean to hate, but it's a hate book so hate me all you want and I'll hate you back ten fold. You'll thank me later.

Ahm. Anywaaay.

Let's talk about my issues with Wattpad. Yeah, I noticed that they updated it and added a couple of changes namely the underline option and the text alignment option on the apk. Neat, yes, but what I've been waiting for as a pure mobile-only wattpad writer/reader is the chance to access the clubs, café, and different genre discussion groups.

I am really getting ticked off by books with crappy covers, but they somehow gain thousands of readers because of advertising in the clubs. A multimedia design club exists for those of you who are too lazy to make your covers, but maybe you don't know that because, you know, you're a bum with a pen and paper.

All I'm saying is, if I could access the clubs, post my book title there, gain some followers and such, I'd be happy as a thong.

But that's not what I'm gonna be ranting about today. Ahem.

Yeah so I had mostly finished the ~20 or so books in my library and am looking for new stuff. So, naturally I go to Discover, and guess what I get?

Literally millions of chicklit, vampire, werewolf, romance and sex god books with super cliché titles, boring plot, ugly covers, over used characters and typical girly shit.

Come on! Give me something I can relate with!

It's hard enough to find a good book with a male protagonist, but it's even harder to find male authors. I've found some, but they were mostly old people with a cat complex and balding heads. No disrespect, their works are great, but I'm looking for a teen related book that's not all about that love/romance/sex crap that horny female authors write.

I've read this book once with a great plot and stuff, female protagonist, awesome background story, and I really enjoyed it. But when the sequel comes, all the main character does is have unprotected sex whenever she gets the chance, argue with her male counterpart right after, then cry like the bitch she is for the rest of the chapter, no lie.

It's like the entire story forgot about what it's supposed to be (it's action) and decided to focus on describing the pubic hair of some guy that the girl likes. That made me lose all faith in female authors. (If you're reading this TJCroft_37, or mollybutt I'm not referring to you, I still think you're awesome!)

Im just asking for teenage author girls everywhere: let go of your delusions about extremely hot guys with perfect personality, because they don't exist.

Here's why:
The nice guy likes the nice girl, the nice girl likes the handsome asshole, the asshole likes the bitch, the bitch likes the rich kid.

In the end it's nice girl and asshole, rich kid and bitch, and the silent girl resorts to cats. Of course the nice guys are foreva alone, and the nice girls end up hating the entire male population claiming "all men are pigs" because... Ta da! The asshole broke her heart. Aaand now there's another person sucked in the dark feminism void.

Tip: women, stop looking at abs and money and shit and find yourself an educated man that can provide, not a visual candy man that beats you up.

That's the other thing. There are waaaaaay too many books with titles like:
My lova is gangsta
Bad boi romance
Kidnapped by a handsome violent, sociopathic, necrophiliac murderer.

Well guess what bitches! Keep dreaming about that shit until it actually happens to you. Let's see how much you like being stabbed to death by a handsome man with great musculature. Yeah, coz u like it rough.

And don't even think about crawling back to those who actually cared about you but you were too much of a bitch to recognize. You deserve a good ass whoopin'. Don't you fucking dare put the blame on all the good men in the world just because you chose to love the worst possible scum in earth or hell just coz he's a sex god.


Finally got that frustration out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2015 ⏰

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