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I woke up the next morning, the weight of my difficult life pressing down on me once more

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I woke up the next morning, the weight of my difficult life pressing down on me once more. The pain from the previous night's altercation with my parents still lingered, both physically and emotionally.

As i got out of bed, a familiar heaviness settled in my chest. It was a feeling i had grown accustomed to, a constant companion in my tumultuous life. The events of the previous night replayed in my mind like a never-ending loop, each moment etched into my memory.

I couldn't escape the overwhelming urge to self-harm, a coping mechanism i had turned to in moments of extreme despair. The scars on my body served as a grim testament to the pain i had endured.

I knew i needed help, but the fear of exposing my vulnerabilities to others, especially Eunwoo, held me back. I couldn't bear the thought of burdening him with my struggles, even though he had shown concern for me in the past.

I grabbed a blade out of my drawer and placed it on my already lifeless wrist
A sharp shinning metallic blade just fine to cut through the nerves
All the thoughts hid under a cloud of killing myself and ending it all


Yeri had always been determined to introduce Jungkook to her parents, convinced that he was the perfect match for her. That morning, she arrived at his lavish house with an air of excitement, a carefully planned meeting with her parents on her mind.

As she stood at his doorstep, she couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation mixed with a touch of nervousness. Yeri knew that her parents had high expectations for her, and she believed that Jungkook's wealth and status would impress them.

Jungkook, on the other hand, had mixed feelings about the meeting. He understood the importance of this meeting to her and was willing to support her, even though his heart belonged elsewhere.

Together, they embarked on a journey to meet Yeri's parents, a meeting that would have unforeseen consequences for all parties involved.


Jungkook's mind was far from the lavish surroundings and opulent lifestyle he was about to encounter. Instead, his thoughts involuntarily drifted back to Y/n, the enigmatic girl he had met the previous night.In the short span of their interaction, he had sensed an underlying pain in her, a vulnerability that he couldn't ignore. Jungkook was a man of few words, known for his stoic demeanor, but something about Y/n had stirred emotions within him that he had long suppressed.

But who knows what the whole mixed emotions were of ?


As Yeri and Jungkook arrived at her family's grand mansion, the opulence of the surroundings was hard to ignore. The sprawling estate exuded wealth and privilege, a stark contrast to the world outside.

Jungkook couldn't help but feel like a fish out of water in this extravagant setting. He had grown up in a world of luxury, but Yeri's family home was on a different level altogether. It was a testament to their wealth and influence.

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