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In a moment of sheer determination, I kicked the stranger harshly, catching him by surprise

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In a moment of sheer determination, I kicked the stranger harshly, catching him by surprise. With a swift punch and a loud call for the guards, I managed to free myself from his grasp. The security personnel swiftly responded, escorting him away from the dance floor.

Jungkook, Jennie, and Yeri reached me just in time, their expressions a mix of relief and concern. Jungkook's eyes, once fierce, now held a touch of worry as he asked, "Are you alright, Y/n?"

I nodded, taking a deep breath to steady my racing heart. "I'm okay now, thanks to all of you."

Jennie placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Let's get out of here. This party has taken a strange turn."

We made our way towards the exit, leaving behind the chaotic scene and the unwanted attention. As we stepped out into the cool night air, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the unexpected protectors who had come to my aid.

As we stepped out into the night, the air was cool, and my mind was still buzzing with a mix of emotions. The incident at the party had brought us closer, but it hadn't erased the jealousy that had been gnawing at me.

As we walked away from the venue, I couldn't help but steal a glance at Jungkook and Yeri. They walked side by side, engaged in conversation, their camaraderie evident in their laughter and the way they looked at each other. It was a sight that fueled the jealousy inside me, reminding me of the bond they shared.

Jungkook's cold and distant demeanor in public had always been a source of frustration, but when he was alone with Yeri, he showed a different side of himself – one that was caring and affectionate. It was a stark contrast that left me feeling like an outsider, an intruder in their world.

Jennie, ever perceptive, noticed my lingering discomfort. She leaned in closer and whispered, "Y/n, I know this is difficult for you. But try to remember that what you saw might not be the whole story."

I nodded, though it was hard to quell the raging jealousy inside me. The night had been a rollercoaster of emotions, from the triumphant high of the fashion show to the chaotic incident at the party. And now, as we walked away from the celebration, I couldn't shake the feeling that the unresolved tension between Jungkook, Yeri, and myself was far from over.

The jealousy still raged within me, a fire that threatened to consume my thoughts and emotions. As we left the scene behind and made our way to our respective destinations, I knew that this chapter of our intertwined lives was far from complete, and the complexities of our relationships would continue to test the boundaries of my emotions.

As we slowly made our way towards the exit, my condition continued to deteriorate rapidly. The world seemed to tilt and spin around me, and my head was pounding with dizziness and nausea. Every step felt like a monumental effort, and I stumbled several times, barely able to keep myself upright.

Jungkook, Yeri, and Jennie exchanged worried glances, realizing the severity of my state. They knew that getting me home safely was the top priority, but the journey was proving to be much more challenging than they had anticipated.

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