Chapter 1- The White lilly And The Basketball

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Hi guys! I'm so excited I cant believe I'm wrighting a PUBLIC BOOK!!!!!!! Thank you for helping me on my weighting journey. <3 even though there's no readers yet, and I dont expect many people to read this, I really appreciate you if you are seeing this. Love you all. Now, let's get to the book!
Trigger Warning: Swearing

Sunny's POV:


I woke up to a loud knocking on my door.


Someone keeps coming over and banging on my door...
..Can they just leave..?


*I groan as I walk down the stairs, expecting it to be another hallucination of mari, I slowly creak open the door as I realise...

This isnt...

A hallucination...


OMG IM SO SORRY THAT PROBABLY WAS HORRIBLE PLEASE FORGIVE ME I'LL LEARN! Love you guys, hope you have an amazing day, anddddd goodnight! <3

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