Chapter 3- Ive always loved your smile

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Hi again! I know no ones reading this but I'm still gonna say hi. Sorry I've been gone for so long, I was really busy with school and R.E.A.C.H (if anyone knows what reach is) I hope that anyone who sees this at all is doing amazing. If not, then I hope I can make you smile. Drink water, eat some food, and take care of yourself. Love you guys!


Kels POV:

"...I've always loved your smile..."

Sunnys voice was horse and sounded sleepy, but i could tell it was the truth...

what? He likes my smile..?

(Kel turns bright red, surprised at sunny's reaction)

Really..? I never knew you liked my smile that much..! I'll smile more then!!

(Sunny turns red aswell, realizing he said that aloud, but kel dosent notice)

We stand there in silence for a little bit, but it was a very comfortable silence.

So..what's been going on recently sunny? We havent talked in awhile.

(He grabs the napkin and starts writing again)

*^ not much, I kinda just sleep. Also, I cant talk otherwise my voice sounds horse, sorry^*

Oh no, it's okay! Maybe I can get you some tea later, that will probably help!

(Kel says, remembering how hero would make him tea when his throat hurt, saying it would help.) Itll probably help sunny too...! Ok, kel remember. Get sunny tea after we go to Gino's.

(Sunny starts writing again)

*^how have you been?^*

Oh! I've been okay, you dont need to worry about me! Oh! I play alot if basketball. It's kinda all I do recently... (he says, laughing a small bit)

Then, we arrive at Hobeez.

Hi again! I just want to say, thank you all so much for even taking the time to read this shit show of a book. I really appreciate it. Even if it's just 3 people (last time I looked)
I'm really happy that people are seeing my hard work. I love you all, drink water, eat, sleep, and take care of yourself. I love you all, Have a wonderful day.

(-your author, Rei)

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