chapter 5- KELSEY!

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                             hi....uhm..sorry I didnt update! I was busy with school and really stressed out, also, first time writing at day! So I'm so so so sorry if this sucks, I havent gotten sleep and I'm quite tired, and I've never been in a abusive situation that's gone this far. I've been in a similar one, but I stopped it pretty abruptly by grabbing my little brother and locking myself into a room. So this might be completley wrong and I'm so so sorry if it is.
Trigger Warning: Abuse, Swearing, Alcoholism. If these trigger you then please dont read any further, a summary will be at the end.
*i slowly creak open the door peaking my head through. My mom is passed out on the on the bed after a long day of work, and my dad has a wine bottle in his hand, like usual, kels dad sees him and drags him into the room. Kel was way past his curfew, so he would either get in trouble for that or something else. There drunk afterall.*

Keellssseeeyyy.. yyooouve beeennnn  soooo baadddd....youuu were lateee.
(Kels dad said, slurring his words.)
Herross ssoooo muchh betterrrr sooo youudeveserve punishmentt!
(He holds up his beer bottle getting ready to hit it against kels head. He kinda just stands there getting hit, the glass shattering against his head with a crack. This goes on for a few hours, then kel leaves to his room. He lays down and he crys. Hes about to go to sleep, but then he gets a text...)
Hi I'm sorry I know this probably sucks ass
and is bad writing, but I'll learn, I promise. Also, who should the text be from? I'm debating between a few characters so if anyone has any ideas I'll look! And i know there aren't many people reading, but i still want to interact with readers. Love you all, get some sleep, drink water, eat some food, and have an amazing day.

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