Chapter 7: In dreamland, your a silhouette~

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Btw that's a lyric from the song "dreamland" by "leo." Please listen to it it's really good and pretty calming to me atleast :)

Oh also basil isnt missing, I didnt wanna have them searching for him the whole time when some MAJOR pining could be happening.


Into the story!!

Ơ̵̠͇̱͚̯̻̈́̾̎̽̿̈̅̏͆̓̅̌͗̚͜m̶̥̤̦͈͓͓̆͌̀̓̎̌̆̈́̎̒̍̈́͘͝͝o̷̧͔͉͙͓̼̤̞̟̟̠̽̅̇̈̆̀͘ͅŕ̴̪͙͕̮̳̅͊̚͜͠i̷̺̙͇͔̮̿͒́̋̔͠ͅ/Sunnys POV:

Welcome to white space.
You've been living here as long as you can remember.
It was a normal day in white space. Like any other. I pet Mewo, I read my diary, I drew in my journal, then I went to visit my friends. We were just relaxing in the vast forest having a picnic with Mari and basil, and it was nice. But then kel ran off because apparently he "saw something". And of course, I chased after him. That's what friends do! Except when I finally caught up I saw something...unusual.
A new location. It was was BRIGHT orange but still had some brown mixed in..and the area was FILLED with flowers, which basil quickly identified as an "Edelweiss" so we decided to call it the "orange edelweiss fields". The group ventured into the field of flowers, exploring the area and admiring the beautiful orange sky, along with the amazing orange and white edelweiss. The place was starting to grow on me. And then..I noticed something was changing. Normally Aubrey is really love-obsessed, kinda like it's her only personality trait. But....she seems.....
different...? I cant explain it that well, but she acts more like she did when we were kids instead of the version of her I created from my childhood crush. But...I'm seeing Kel in a different light..the orange sky and the sunlight illuminates his face beautifully...his eyes sparkle in the light....a few flowers are in his hair, because basil put flowers in everyone's hair...and his smile was amazing....I caught myself staring and turned away. What am I doing??? I'm not gay! I liked aubrey, I cant be gay! Especially not for kel! Hes my best friend!
The rest if the dream continues as I try as hard as I possibly can to ignore my thoughts with minimal success.
Hi guyssss!
Hope you enjoyed the chapter :)
I promise writing will get better please trust me T-T
Also, should the ending be angst or not?? I'm debating haha.
Bye guys, get some rest, eat, drink water, and have a wonderful day! ❤❤❤

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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