chapter 6: a text...?

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Authors note: hey guys I'm back! I know it's been a year and im REALLY sorry for taking this long to update the book. I've been dealing with alot. My parents divorce, a relationship, developing a video game, and finding out I was possibly SA'd. I'm sorry I didn't update sooner, and this isnt canceled! There's more too come. And now, onto the story.
Kels POV:
I was just sitting in bed, my head hurt like hell. It FELT like I was in hell. And my thoughts wouldn't stop. But even with the constant thoughts, pain, and adrenaline running through my system, I was starting to fall asleep. Most likely from exhaustion. But then...I got a text. "who would be texting me at this hour??" I wondered. But then I pick it up and saw it was Sunny. For a moment I smiled, happy I'd get to talk to my best friend..but then I realized he didnt normally text me this late, even though he stays up until like 6 AM, and either something happened, or he heard something..I didnt know which to hope for. I read the text. "Sunny ❤: hey are you ok? I thought I heard something from your house." I'm kinda nervous about him hearing. "Was it really that loud...?" I asked myself. Then I responded "Me: Yea! I just dropped something." I could tell sunny didnt buy it, he never does. Hes smarter than that. But, even so he just replies "Sunny ❤: ok. Wanna play roblox?" I know sunny hates roblox. He only wants to play to cheer me up. And it may or may not be working. We spent a few hours playing roblox until I eventually fell asleep.
Ok, yes I know this is short. I'm a bit rusty haha. And also, I have a few things to add. I dont know why but I imagine Kel being someone who plays SPECIFICALLY minecraft, roblox, and slime rancher. Literally nothing else unless it's a basketball themed videogame hero or sunny convinced him to play. Also, the heart isnt because he knows he has a crush, dont worry I didnt forget about the denial yet. They've always been close, so he added a heart next to sunnys name, like he did with most of the group. Hope this clears things up :)

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