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As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a gentle twilight over Saulo's expansive estate, Caterina found herself standing alongside Ramia in the inviting warmth of the kitchen. Ramia gracefully slipped away for a moment, heading towards the clearing tucked behind the house to retrieve some clothes that had been left out to dry.

Caterina couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment with the climate of the region, it was perpetually temperate, never too sweltering nor too chilly. A constant, soothing breeze wafted through, carrying with it the delicate fragrance of the surrounding trees and blossoms that graced the encompassing forest. This gentle wind was a comforting companion, its soft whispers carrying tales of the land's ancient history and vibrant present.

But it wasn't just the weather that embraced her senses. The melody of birdsongs filled the air outside every day, harmonizing with the nocturnal serenade of chirping crickets as night fell. This idyllic symphony created a harmonious backdrop, a serene departure from the cacophony of bustling shadowy city streets she was accustomed to. Back in Moundow, throngs of people mingled and conversed, and the rumble of carriages reverberated through the thoroughfares, creating an atmosphere far removed from the tranquillity of Sahilab.

In the past few days, Caterina embarked on a culinary journey, following Ramia's guidance in the field. Today, she had planned to prepare some pickled cucumbers and capsicums—a simple yet flavourful dish that Ramia had taught her. In her past life in Moundow, the Royal Forces Agency's cafeteria was a cold and impersonal setting where she shared most of her meals. On her daring missions, survival had often been a matter of consuming canned rations, a stark contrast to the flavourful experiences she now relished at Saulo's estate.

In this new life, Caterina found that the act of preparing meals was not just about nourishment but also a form of therapy—a way to connect with the land and its bounty, a way to express creativity and care. This simple act of preparing meals felt like an intimate dance between her and the ingredients, a dance that resulted in a symphony of flavours that delighted the palate. For the first time, she found joy in the kitchen, a place where she could create, experiment, and contribute to the household in a meaningful way.

Earlier that evening, Saulo and Airas had graced the dinner table, their laughter echoing through the cozy confines of the house. Over the meal, Airas regaled everyone with delightful tales from his childhood, weaving anecdotes that elicited laughter. In good-natured banter, Saulo playfully challenged some of Airas' accounts, accusing him of adding embellishments to make the tales more captivating. Despite Saulo's occasional mock irritation, Caterina couldn't help but notice the flicker of a fond smile that would occasionally grace his lips.

The camaraderie between the two men was palpable, a bond of trust and understanding that ran deep, akin to that of brothers. From the moments they had spent together, Caterina found out that they had grown up side by side, embarking on countless escapades since their youth, navigating the world with youthful exuberance and a touch of recklessness. As the evening unfolded, Saulo eventually excused himself, claiming some pressing matters that demanded his attention. Meanwhile, Airas volunteered to lend a hand with the after-dinner chores.

As Caterina attentively sliced the cucumbers, Airas stood beside her at the washing basin, serenely drying a stack of delicate ceramic plates. "Why would such a beautiful girl bear the name Curse?" he playfully inquired, not bothering to turn towards her. She remembered having mentioned her last name to him a few weeks prior. "It's simply what they call those of us born with powers," she corrected herself internally, shunning the habit of labelling her powers as curses.

"I see," he replied, his face now sporting a mocking smirk. "Would that make me the dashing Airas Curse?" he teased, finally turning his face towards her. Caterina merely gave him an eye-roll, unimpressed by his antics. His response was a deep, alluring chuckle that sent a delicious shiver down her spine.

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