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Caterina was jolted awake, the familiar scent of the Shadow's Governess invading her senses. She had no time to ruminate on the bewildering events of the previous night as she took in the sight of her room, now bathed in an eerie crimson glow. The intricate geometric structures and motifs cast by the wooden shutters on her windows painted a haunting picture. Feeling a surge of panic, she leaped out of bed and rushed to the arched windows.

A gasp escaped her lips as she took in the nightmarish scene unfolding before her. The border where the dense forest met her backyard clearing was now engulfed in furious crimson flames. It was as though the vivid crimson shade of the previously unveiled blood moon had been absorbed by the very landscape. Her mind struggled to comprehend the situation – what could have sparked such a destructive fire?

As she turned to rush out of her room, Ramia's frantic voice echoed through the house. "Caterina? Mr. Eiró? Where are you?" Her voice was thick with fear and desperation.

"I'm here, Ramia. Are you okay?" Caterina called back, her voice reverberating down the staircase. She spotted Ramia at the bottom, her usually covered grey locks tumbling in wild disarray over her nightgown. Her face was pale and etched with terror. "I'm okay. Please, go check on Saulo!"

Without waiting for a response, Ramia dashed towards the front door. "I have to find Safya. I'll be right back," she declared before disappearing into the chaos outside, leaving Caterina no time to protest.

Gathering her courage, Caterina ascended the old wooden stairs and found a door identical to hers. Upon opening it, she discovered an empty room. Saulo's neatly made bed suggested that he hadn't returned home from last night's party. As she turned to leave, her eyes landed on a double-action revolver resting on his wooden bedside table. The firearm bore a striking resemblance to the ones used in Moundow, leading Caterina to deduce that Saulo must have acquired it during one of their daring missions for the resistance.

Panic rising within her, Caterina sprinted back down the stairs and out of the house, hoping to catch up with Ramia. As she rounded the corner towards the stables, a gunshot rang out, causing her to skid to a halt. Her heart pounded in her chest as she watched Ramia's lifeless body hit the ground with a horrifying thud. Time seemed to freeze as she stared in disbelief at the sight of Ramia sprawled on the earthy ground.

A man stood beside Ramia's motionless figure, brandishing a weapon and pointing it menacingly at Caterina. "Stop!" he commanded. His voice sliced through the air like a blade, causing Caterina to face him. She recognized him instantly – Digby Royston, an agent she had been enforced to work for during her time in the Royal Forces Agency in Moundow.

His presence stirred a deep-seated hatred within her. He was a cruel, arrogant man with a reputation for exploiting women. Caterina vividly remembered the dangerous mission he had assigned her, leaving her unarmed and vulnerable. She had nearly lost her life due to his manipulative schemes. The sight of him now only meant one thing: they had found her.

Caterina's eyes brimmed with unshed tears, her resolve unwavering. Agent Royston's voice was cold, a hint of mockery lacing his words. "Our intelligence was spot on," he taunted, his tone dripping with contempt. "Did you truly think you could outsmart us, elude our grasp? You pitiful creature."

His finger twitched over the trigger. The threat of deadly steel poised to fly in her direction. Suddenly, an axe – unmistakably the one utilized for chopping firewood in the yard – sailed towards him from behind the dwelling. It struck Agent Royston's head with lethal precision, slicing through with startling ease. The force of the impact split his skull along the path of the blade, releasing a crimson cascade. Caterina's gaze, awash with relief, shifted to Airas' haggard face as he appeared from behind the house. A wave of solace washed over her, and a lone tear escaped down her cheek. However, his gaze swiftly diverted from hers, his expression taut as he glanced behind him. With wide, alarmed eyes, he subtly motioned with his head, silently urging Caterina to take cover. Caterina couldn't discern what had captured his attention, but soon, a familiar voice sliced through the tension: "Halt." It was the voice of Captain Blodwell.

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