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Before you begin reading my insanity cure, I have a few things I need to address. Please take a moment to read through this page.

•You will go through every emotion possible, read at your own accord.

•This book is fictional however I have included some personal experiences. I like to relate to my writing.

•Any photos included are ones I found online- I don't take any credit for them.

•This book is based in a psychiatric ward. There will be mention of various triggers however I haven't gone into detail about most of these. The story focuses mainly on mental and physical abuse, depression, anxiety and self harm. If you don't feel able to, I beg of you don't read. Your mental health is far more important and I want you to prioritise that. I have other books on my profile that you may prefer.

•This book will be mature rated- you're welcome.

•This is a Billie Eilish fan fiction. That being said, I have included a variety of characters. I like to do this so I can carry on the story for longer.

•At the end of some chapters I like to write author notes. This is my way of interacting with you. You don't have to read them, but I know some people enjoy so I will continue that on.

•Due to life, updates may not be posted as quick as I would like. Of course, I will do my best.

•If you are coming here after reading 5,160 MILES and the sequel, thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. Words can't describe the pride I feel for those books. Your comments and votes made it all worth it.

Finally, if you are struggling with anything I urge you to talk to someone. Even if that someone is me. My messages are always open and I will always reply as quickly as I can. If you feel like no one is here, I am. 

Thank you, I love you, and enjoy.

my insanity cure  (billie eilish)Where stories live. Discover now