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Max slammed on the breaks of the car as they arrived outside the gate of the cemetery. They each opened a door and rushed toward the metal gate.

"Hurry! Hurry!" Thackery hollered.

"Go, go, go, go, go!" Max ushered everyone through the gate before shutting it behind himself.

"Everyone, let's go!" Shouted Blair. "We need to get a move on!"

They ran across the leafy dirt until, suddenly, they heard a 'thump' from behind them. Blair turned around and saw her father standing over Max; who was collapsed on the ground.

"Max!" Dani fearfully screamed.

Thackery called to the young girl. "No, wait, Dani!"

"Hold on!" Blair threw her arm out in front of Dani, stopping her from running to Max.

Blair, Thackery, Allison, and Dani watched as Max pulled a flip knife from his pocket and pointed it at Billy. The undead man swatted at him a few times, and Max turned to their small group.

"Run, Dani, run!" He told the girl.

Allison pulled Dani and Blair with her as she ran, Dani screaming as she did so. Blair beckoned for Thackery to follow after them, and he happily obeyed without question. The four of them ended up in a field of gravestones, Williams being one of them.

A minute or so passed when Max arrived back with William in tow. Allison and Dani stood up protectively, holding their 'weapons' out to them.

"Max, run!" Dani said to him.

Blair tried to negotiate for them to put down the large sticks they were carrying. "No, guys, stop!"

"Move out of the way!" Allison ignored Blair's calls.

"Wait, wait, no! No! No." Max threw his arms out. "He's a good zombie."

Blair smiled at his words. She walked over to the man after Dani greeted him. The woman stared up at him with teary eyes, then she engulfed him in a hug.

"Hi, dad." She whispered into his chest.

William paused for a slight moment before responding. "Hi, darling."

After their short moment, William and Blair released their embrace. He walked over to Dani and motioned to his open grave. "You'll be safe in here."

"You okay, Dani?" Max asked from the ground.

She smiled. "Yeah, fine."

Blair and William guided Dani into the long pit. Afterward, Blair helped Allison with distributing the salt around her fathers grave while Max swung a bat through the air.

"Here they come!" Thackery called attention to the three witches flying in the air. "Billy, guard Dani. Blair, Max, Allison, spread out!"

They all complied without complaints. Max ran to the left, Allison went to the right, and Blair stayed in the middle holding a flaming ball in her palm. The blonde narrowed her eyes at the women as they came closer to them.

Winifred hovered near Max while Mary went over to Allison, and Blair found herself face-to-face with her mother. The blonde teen sucked in a breath as Sarah leaned down on her broom.

"My dear, why art thou doing this?" She whimsically questioned. "Come, join us. We're your family."

Blair shook her head in defiance. "No family of mine hurts others for their own selfish gain, I will never leave the side of Thackery."

Behind her, the teen heard the crack of a tree branch. Dani screamed out in fear, and Blair turned around suddenly to see Winifred cackling at her malicious work.

Witchy Love • Thackery BinxWhere stories live. Discover now