Game On! 3.5

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Harriett Potter, Shadow and Moon Hime, doesn't always need a hero to groom to save the world, but at what price? fem!Harry, MoD!Harry, gamer!Harry

Tsukiko slalomed between the piles of old tomes that cluttered the familiar living room of the Higurashi shrine, calling a hello to the female silhouette in the kitchen "Tsuki-chan, welcome." the bright green eyed, lush brown-haired wood elemental welcomed the Moon Hime "Souta is waiting for you in his study."
"I'm heading right this way, Lan Fen." the ookami nodded "How is he?"
"Stressed. Afraid." the woman sighed "He's found something, in these old books, and it's not something I can help him with..." she admitted
Tsukiko patted Souta's wife shoulder reassuringly, before heading where she could feel the high priest of the Higurashi Shrine.
His wife hadn't exaggerated the situation – the forty year old looking man was pacing agitatedly, eyeing charts on the walls and opened books on the table. He forgoed greeting her anymore, directly pushing a dusty tome in her hands...
She eyed the section he was pointing to, her brain taking an instant to switch to the correct language – she wasn't that proficient in Atlant after all, as much as it resembled ancient Celt.

"After nearly a hundred years it seems like the Low Tide is finally over, which is just as well, as we were on our last stocks.
Around the city, we've sighted the first grindilows in decades, and Bradán swears he's seen a kelpie. He reckons that if the kelpie actually survived out there, the Tide mustn't have been that bad, but Ardra thinks they managed to hide in a pocket where the level didn't drop that much.
It's possible apparently, around area very saturated, so Atlantis may have incidentally saved quite a few local creatures during the Low Tide.
I really hope this is the end of it, and that we'll finally be able to rise the city from the ocean bed, I miss fresh air and the exploration out in the savage lands."

She paused in her reading – there was something strange going on, clearly.
What was the link between low tides and food? Or magical creatures? Or hiding beneath the sea?
"They aren't talking about a regular tide, aren't they?" she realized rather easily
Souta nodded, snatching the tome back to replace it by another.
This on wasn't as old – and she recognized old english.

"Ever since Myrdhin has been sorted into his house, Salazar has been insufferable!
The two of them get along far too well, spending their day in dusty old tomes with Rowena, or doing dangerous experiments in the dungeons. I didn't know the old snake could manage even more explosions than before! And after that Helga says I'm the dangerous one...
Their latest idea is to try and store the Ley Lines magical power rather than use it directly on the castle's wards. Apparently the Ancients used to do that. That's well and all, but the two seem to have forgotten that the ancients also managed to destroy their own city. And their nearest neighbor. And nearly destroy us all...
I don't want them to play with such dangerous things. Still, Myrdhin may be an Ancient, he's not usually an idiot, so I wondered if there was a reason behind this.
What he explained terrified me."

Here, the script of Godric – it was rather easy to guess it was him – became unsteady.

"He talked about a phenomena I'd never heard about before.
Not too surprising of course, as it only happens every few millenia.
Apparently, the magic of the planet is not simply traveling around in the Ley Lines, impregnating the area where numerous magical beings live, it also fluctuates with time.
Currently, we're at the height of what is called a magical High Tide.
But eventually, the Tide will lower, and with it the level of ambient magic planet-wide will decrease until the near depletion of the Ley Lines."

Tsukiko dropped the book.
Ambient magic – was as necessary as air or water for all magical beings.

"Tsuki-chan." Souta's voice broke "I think a Low Tide is coming."

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