chapter 13 fire and death

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Gaining an authorization to take the genin training in the nearby mountainous area wasn't too hard, the Tsuchikage giving them the green light to move about as they wanted as long as they kept Kurotsuchi and Han with them, and of course, didn't enter any forbidden area.
While it wasn't usual by any measure for foreign shinobi to ask for such freedom of movement during the Exams, it wasn't unheard of either, since different people used different training methods.
Kurotsuchi had been rather intrigued – but a training trip was always a good occasion, that much the young kunoichi knew.

While the Kaisengan weren't particularly impressive compared to the gigantic mountains of the Land of Lightning, it had the particularity of being the siege of numerous volcanic episodes, which meant Onoki's granddaughter knew the area quite well, as she went there several times while training for her youton jutsu.
The change of landscape was good for the genin, all more used to the forests and lush areas of Hi and Taki no Kuni – not to mention that the lack of people around meant that the bijuu present were free to stretch out a bit their body and chakra, something they couldn't do just anywhere.
The girl had been startled to realize how many Jinchuuriki were presents, but calmed soon enough, unknowingly impressing the Konoha contingent that were getting more than used to the primal reaction of fear all people seemed to share when it came to the nine siblings.

What had really intrigued her was why – why would Konoha nin, that while not at war weren't allied with her village, would so freely share the identity of their Jinchuuriki.
While they hadn't shared the whole truth with her – Kagami and Yagami had told her one part of the truth relevant for a shinobi loyal to her village like her: there were missing-nin after the nine beasts, and she had access to a method that would help them get stronger to defend themselves.
Kurotsuchi was intelligent enough to guess there was more to it – but between her talk with her grandfather when they'd arrived, and her own thoughts, she knew that she wouldn't be told anything more; and that it was enough for her, at least for now.

The young goddess was keeping her senses out for the Jinchuuriki supposed to be in the area, and had quickly realized that Onoki had been right to tell her to come here.
The man she hadn't seen yet, felt strong and stubborn to her Soul Sense, so once she felt him take notice of their presence she didn't act immediately, instead keeping up with the training routine of the genin – and the more difficult exercise the jounin were doing, having decided quickly that there was no reason not to take advantage of the calm and time to train too.
The man spent a few days spying on them from afar, impressing her with the way he managed to stay hidden despite the fact she knew it wasn't his forte – and she could feel his confusion, as it was rather rare for shinobi from different village to train together, then his shock as Chomei, Kokuo and Kagetsu were summoned and started to flare their chakra…

It took nearly ten days for the curiosity to finally win over stubbornness.
The two greeted each other laconically, Han having noticed his fellow Iwa Jinchuuriki a few days after Yagami – Fuu following soon after, the tailed-beasts able to feel each other's presence when in close vicinity, even if their partner tried to hide.
“So… The bloody monkey has been raising up a storm in my mind the past few days.” he mused, looking rather peeved, “Impossible to even sleep!”
“SonGoku always was just as loud as Kurama.” Kokuo was the one to answer calmly, adding as an afterthought toward the fox, “I like you much more as Kagetsu.”

The affirmation made Kurotsuchi roll her eyes – she had been afraid of course at first, even if she'd kept a good hold on it. But working side by side with the bijuu had soon made her realize that behind the terrifying powers, they were sentient beings, each with their character, their flaws, and qualities…
And even if Kokuo was clearly the more reasonable of the trio she knew – he also seemed to enjoy needling his siblings from time to time.
“Why should I let the monkey have it his way?”
“Well, he's your partner, isn't he?” Fuu was the one to ask candidly

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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