Chapter 8: Echoes Of War

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The affirmation was furious, but rather cold – and while Yagami didn't hold back against the two kage bunshin she didn't bother pursuing, her attention more on Sasuke's febrile form on the ground.
"Blanche, will you be able to follow?" an affirmative bark, and the young Anbu turned toward the two arriving four man squads "The target has escaped, my nin-ken can guide you toward him to ensure no genin catch his attention."
The two squad leaders nodded, Raccoon and his squad following the white nin-ken while Lynx paused briefly "Will you need assistance to get to the tower for medical assistance?"
Yagami gestured them ahead "We'll be alright, check on the genin."

Lynx nodded and him and his squad disappeared as they hurried after Raccoon, and Yagami kneeled between Sasuke and Naruto, first noting that the blond was already healing, if slowly, and that Kurama finally felt awake to her Soul Sense. On the other side the situation was far more worrisome for the Uchiha, the boy even paler than usual, sweat on his temple, a frown on his face – heart-beat and chakra erratic...
The white-haired girl frowned, as beyond the physical symptoms, her godly senses were letting her feel far more as the cursed seal Orochimaru had inflicted on him was trying to encroach on the boy's mind – and far more worryingly, nearly hidden beneath the layers of behavior changing instruction, power enhancing and other effects...

"A soul fragment, eh?"
Her voice was calm now, eerily so – and the power swirling around her didn't feel human anymore.
"Anko, come here."
The tokubetsu jounin eyed the girl, but didn't hesitate. She'd just regretted a few minutes earlier not having trusted the girl earlier – and no matter how alien the girl now felt, her power felt strangely right to the kunoichi.
Kagami was nearby too, looking fascinated – neither realizing that most mortals usually feared the cold call of the young goddess's powers.
Both settled near the white-haired woman, who smiled calmly to Anko "This bastard marked you too, right?"
"He did." Anko nodded, hands still on the swirling mark
"He left something behind." the girl informed her, gently but firmly pushing her hand aside, the second one Sasuke's still bleeding own seal – her eyes now green with golden tomoes swirling in them, focused on the two black marks

Her eyes, Kagami realized easily, could clearly see far more than he did himself – despite his own sharingan focused on the chakra flowing around the three in different colors...
As for Yagami, she wasn't only Yagami right now, not only Tsukiko but Shadow herself in her mind, the powers – and indeed, her eyes were seeing far more than only the strands of chakra Kagami himself was seeing, watching also the dark speck's of the caster's soul and mind-altering effects he was trying to inflict on both Anko and Sasuke.
She could all but hear the sweet promises and whispering to both, each clearly resisting on his own thanks to their own mental fortitude – making her both proud of Sasuke that was clearly beating the missing-nin's soul- fragment back as well as he could, and impressed by Anko who'd been holding the man's mind and soul at bay for years.

"It's time for a change." Shadow smiled, soul fragment desperately trying to resist her – but what soul could resist the call of Death?
The rest of the seal was still trying to work despite the lack of Orochimaru's soul fragment, and the young goddess called her powers to her, the gift she'd never realized before she was using now answering to her knowing call, Chaos's powers swirling around her in tune with Death's own in a mix of golden and green strands very familiar to her.

[Hallows skill reached level 65/100!
Chaos skill reached 30/50!]

The clearing around them went up in a swirl of chakra – and another power, far different – and the familiar black marking of sealing exploded in the ground around them, swirling, changing, before a dark shadow left both Anko and Sasuke, and the marking reduced down, now a familiar moon crescent centered in the heart of a chaos wheel.
In the storm of power, Kagami felt his earlier genjutsu fall – but it didn't matter anymore, as Orochimaru was long gone, and by now, he was the only one still conscious in the clearing.
He checked the unconscious people around him and breathed a sigh of relief as he confirmed to himself that by now, all were safe, only exhaustion keeping them down. He was about to sent a message – but two red-head were already showing up.

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