Chapter 2: A New Life

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"You have to remember that this is your world." Chaos had warned her before the world faded to black "Using your Past Life Aura will probably undo most of the bindings on your soul." a sigh "And well, given that this world hold on you, it also means I can't give you much of latitude for you incarnation either, you'll probably end up in the body of your most closely related descendant that wasn't meant to live."
Shadow couldn't quite decide if it was lucky or not, to have found a body related to not one but two of the three bloodlines she'd left on the planet.
At first, she'd felt it lucky.
Within weeks she'd realized that wasn't quite the case.

[Test Subject 321/ Age 1 / Level 1
Physical Main Stat 40(70):Strength 10(21) / Agility 20(32) / Endurance 10 (17)
Spiritual Main Stat 30(55):Intelligence 10(23) / Will 10(16) / Wisdom 10(16)
Social Main Stat 30(62): Presence 10(18) / Perception 10(19) / Luck 10(25)
Secondary Stat:
Health Points 120(208) / HP regen/min 1,21(2,1) / Chakra Point 208 / CP regen/min 2,1
Damage 13(24) / Defense 10(18) / Reaction Speed 17(28)
Chakra control 8(16) / Chakra Density 10(16) / Mind Speed 10(21)
Critic Chance 0,8(2,9) / Critic Damage Multiplier 1,3(6,1), Loot Bonus 10(22)]

She'd been born with all her Soul Imprint visible – the illusionary pearl gifted by Shippou several lifetimes ago not able to adapt immediately to the world filled with natural energy, but she had been expecting it with the way she'd been warned her soul was still vastly attuned to this world but not it's powers.
Then, she realized how deeply in trouble she was.
Human manipulations – she'd seen and stopped a few of them along the centuries, but it was the first time she was the victim.
While she had no intention of staying and playing the damsel in distress, she was currently stuck in the body of a baby – and, she realized after a while, far from the only victim of whatever mad man whose clutches she was in. With that, her decision had been made – there was no way she was leaving all those children behind.

By the time she was sixth months, she'd managed to make herself visible enough to the man overseeing the multiple experiments that he'd singled her out, which was exactly what she had been aiming for – because all they did to her, she spared the others from.
By the time she was one year old, the older children had realized what she was doing, an tried to stop her. By the year and a half mark, they went from trying to stop her to helping her.
None of them had a name of course, they weren't worth something like that – so they decided to give themselves some.
A three year old black-haired girl had all but proclaimed herself her right hand – with a keen intelligence and ability to manipulate ice and shadows, she'd given the little violet-eyed child the name Ayame.
Even if he wasn't quite as intelligent, five year old Isao, with his deep violet hair and sparkling eyes was their protector, often managing to shield the younger from whatever atrocity their jailers came up with, and probably the one who got the more punishment from them, while she focused on getting the brunt of their attention when it came to the experimentation themselves, since she knew she had a far better chance of surviving than the others.

None of the children had been meant to survive, the goddess clearly realized.
Yet, despite what her role as Death's sister demanded, she couldn't bring herself to let them go, and she knew that far more of the children would have died without her interference – and in a sense, maybe it was cruel of her to save them when it only condemned them to more suffering, but she just couldn't help herself...
As for herself, the child had taken to call her Yagami – not too surprising given that they'd seen her use the shadows she wasn't supposed to have.
For Yagami herself, it was rather frustrating – even if this time, since she had a new body, she did possess the necessary chakra pathway that she's so sorely lacked in her previous life, most of her Past Life abilities were still hampered by this world's make up.
Between Hagaren and the Earth of old, her powers had been able to easily adapt themselves, the elemental flows of alchemy similar enough to the Ley Lines of her birth planet – but the new way energy flowed in this post-disaster planet was so different she was having to take all her abilities back to the basics.
Her blood manipulation, even if it wasn't quite as versatile as before, worked much the same way as regular elements worked, and she had the necessary knowledge about her own body that the Shape-shifting talent was still accessible, if a bit restricted by her young age.

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