Chapter 7: Leaves And Sound

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"Oh..." a blond woman slurred "I'm seeing unexpected ghosts, this sake is good."
"Uh. You hadn't told me she was like you, Kage-kun."
"What do you mean she... Oh..."
"Wait, you didn't know? She looks twenty when she's in her fifties!"
"That's called a seal, brat." the blond woman facing her answered "Not that I really should be explaining this to an hallucination."
"That seal on your forehead is pretty neat, but that's not what's making you look so young." Yagami contradicted with a shrug "You can't fool an Uzumaki with seals, girl."

"Uzumaki?" the blond woman snorted "They're all dead." she eyed Kagami "Like you, and like the Senju will be once I kick the bucket."
"Which won't happen in a good few decades given your lifespan." Yagami estimated "And well, you're not completely right, remember that little clan-mate you've refused to recognized five years ago?"
"I've no idea what you're talking about."
Yagami eyed the drunkard.
"Fuck, she's telling the true." she pinched her nose "Danzo's been dead for nearly a year and somehow he's still stirring trouble for us!"
"Ah! The old stick-in-the-mud is dead? Good on him! Bastard!"

"Indeed. And apparently he's also intercepted quite a few communications between Konoha and you."
As drunk as she was, Senju Tsunade was still a Senju, on of the three legendary students of the Sandaime that had all become as powerful as Kage in their early twenties. As such, she did see Yagami move, and she did move to avoid the attack.
What she hadn't expected was for her body not to answer.
"Fuck! I thought you were an Uzumaki, not a Nara?"
"I'm both. Plus a few other blood-lines with a cherry on top. Technically I'm even a Senju."

"It's not I'm afraid, you can thank your team-mate for that."Yagami answered back, hand hitting the woman's brow wit a hit of chakra, clearing the alcohol from her body
Tsunade shook her head to dissipate the last dredges, muttering "That was shoddy work."
"Not everyone has the luck to manage both large chakra reserves and perfect chakra control." Yagami answered unapologetically
With the alcohol got from her system, Tsunade was eyeing her more seriously, going thorough their previous talk without the haze of drunkenness.
"It seems like we need to talk..."
Kagami nodded "You seem to be lacking quite a few key information."

"Yeah. Weren't you dead in the latest news? Like... more than forty years ago?"
"Hiruzen helped me fake my death," Kagami answered with a shrug "I've been in Anbu ever since. The reason why should be rather obvious."
"Yeah. You look barely older than I do..."the blond commented, clearly bemused "And given my own issues with age..." she eyed him "I thought it had something to do with Senju genes, but clearly that's not it."
"It's not." the Uchiha nodded "But we'll talk more about this later... Did you really not know about Tenzo?"
The Anbu commander sighed.
"The only one among the children rescued from Orochimaru who wasn't claimed by his clan."

"I have no fucking clue about what you're talking about." Tsunade answered plainly "Last I knew, Orochimaru was a missing-nin, and Jiraya hunting him, but that's about it."
"Jiraya did and is still hunting him." Yagami nodded "And while he didn't caught him, he did manage to rescue some of Orochimaru's test subjects."
"Wait..." Tsunade's eyes widened "You weren't joking when you said you had numerous blood-lines! How are you even alive?"
Yagami's eyes darkened, and the medic-nin winced, suddenly realizing it may not have been a good question to ask.
"So you're really a Senju?" she wondered, eyeing her with a mix of hope, wonder and fear
"I am." the white-haired girl nodded, making her chakra flutter, a delicate looking flower appearing in her fingers "But I'm not the only one."
"Yeah, you said... Tenzo?"
"Technically, he was the first rescue from Orochimaru." Kagami answered "He's been in Anbu ever since... When the other children were rescued and adopted by the clans we hoped you'd take him in..."

"But I hadn't even heard about him." the blond mused, before adding with a sight "It's probably better for him, knowing my luck."
"Tsunade-sama. We've survived Orochimaru's lab, and he got brain-washed by Danzo after that, and was taught that his feelings were useless, and finally once freed, he had to assume his existence wasn't even important enough for the only family he could claim since she didn't even try to reach out toward him. Do you really think your luck can do anything worse to him?"
The blond woman winced as the situation was summed up like that.
"Alright... meeting one person shouldn't hurt..." she mused to herself "But I doubt that's why you're here."
"It's not." Kagami answered, handing her a scroll with red borders
"Emergency State Orders?" the blond mused "War again?"

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