Chapter 9: War And Peace

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A loud explosion was heard.
"So it has started." Sasuke mused as he joined Naruto on the outskirts of the the village "You better share the memories of the tournament from that clone you sent after the battle, idiot."
Naruto winked "Of course, we'll ask Yami-chan to help when she wakes up, I think she said something about a way to see memories!"
"Less talking, more fighting!" Ayame called from a bit farther
"Of course, Aya-chan!" Naruto answered with a smile, easily downing an Oto nin

"Still, I won't say no to those memories too!" another voice added nearby – Isao this time - making people laugh around them, but voice out their agreement
The chuunin surged forward, protecting the walls of the city from the group of Oto shinobi that had been laying in wait of the signal for the start of the invasion. They had been informed about the oncoming attack barely a few hours before – but most of the chuunin had started to guess about something going on, thanks to the increase of safety measure around the village before the tournament...
Of course, all the chuunin weren't by the walls, only the elite among them, the rest were in town, proceeding to the evacuation of the civilians, while jounin were splitting their attention between protecting the arena and the walls.


"You know," Hiruzen mused as Orochimaru revealed himself under the kazekage's garb, the Otokage revealing himself to be a kage bunshin as suspected "arrogance always was your downfall."
Around them, each kage's two bodyguard had jumped at the ready – and the Snake Sannin's eyes widened as he realized just who one of those Anbu was on the Hokage's side.
"Trying to murder me, I can understand." Raza mused "But using not only my village, which I'm sworn to protect but even my children in your plot?" wind rose around him, heavy with golden dust "That, I won't forgive."

"You didn't lie when you said this Tournament would be interesting!" Onoki laughed "I was afraid for a second that you tree-hugers had grown weak to be attacked in your very village..." his smile was that of a wild beast "But clearly you were prepared for the attack!"
Around them, the familiars sounds of battle were already heard, and the box from which they'd been watching the tournament all but exploded as all send their jutsu flying around – and landed easily on the large roof of the nearby watch tower.
Clearly, even if he didn't expect to have been so deceived, Orochimaru hadn't shared all with his Sand supposed allies, as around them four Oto had popped up, going through a few hand-signs – a large purple barrier surging, separating the kage from their Anbu.

"Fuck!" Kagami loudly swore "Those bastard, they're between an outer and inner barrier, getting them to drop this won't be easy!"
"We'll have to trust in the hokage for now." Raven told him calmly "Old he may be, that man isn't one that will be taken down easily." a smirk "Not to mention, he's not alone."
Kagami nodded, already calmer and ready to hand out orders "Right. I want three teams to stay with me to try and weaken this barrier, meanwhile the others, keep up with your initial assignment!"
The Anbu nodded, and were gone as discreetly as they'd arrived


"Where will you be going?" Sakura asked before they split up
Gaara simply pointed toward the large explosion that had just occurred – and the purple barrier that had appeared just after "Up there. We may not have the best relation, he's still our father." an amused smile "And even barriers have difficulties standing up to an annoyed jinchuuriki."
With that, the genin split up.
Team 8 was taking point, as the Suna team didn't know the village as well as them.

Around them, explosions from ongoing battle between Oto, Suna and Konoha nin were frequent, and soon they were halting to stop a few enemy shinobi that were advancing on a terrified civilian boy.
Satsuki reacted the faster, fan in hand and already sending a deadly wind blade toward the shinobi, who didn't react in time.
The boy nodded in trembling appreciation, and soon, Shikamaru and Hinata were dropping by to take care of the civilian, as they had been assigned to the evacuation forces.

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