Chapter 1

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•Usopp 's Pov•

If I'm being honest I didn't sleep at all last night I was caught up in adjusting this new weapon. But it ended up being a flunk so I decided to just head up to bed even though by the looks of it, it was about time sanji woke up for breakfast.

As I went into the men's bedrooms I saw Sanji stretching and getting ready to change. I tried to sneak back into my bed but the floor boards just had to give me away. Even though the sunny was a pretty new ship it still had some squeaky floor boards in it.

Sanji looked at me and said "Usopp? What are you doing up." I paused in my movements before running to my bed acting like I was never even there.

Sanji looked over at me watching as I threw the covers over myself. He looked back before finally deciding what to say and the words that followed his lip movements were"Did you stay up all night again?"

Before I had time to answer his question he started to speak again "If your not tired you can come help me in the kitchen."

I looked over at him before finally saying "I'll help you I guess" I started to get up but he got up before me and spoke again "wait for me in the kitchen or here I'm gonna go get changed ok."

Sanji was still pretty tired so I guess that was why he seemed so gloomy.Other then that I decided to go to the kitchen and wait for him I sat down at the table. And I rubbed my eyes plus I stretched my arms out while waiting for him.

Awhile later Sanji walked into the kitchen he looked over to me as he did I looked down at the table yawning a little bit.Before he walked right beside me and sat down as well he looked at me my head in my own arms.

I felt a slight tap on my shoulder after the tap I looked up before seeing a curly eyebrow. And one eye the other being covered by his blonde hair.But these features were way too close for comfort.

My face started getting pink seeing how close we were the chef then asked "You alright Usopp this is the third time this week you've stayed up all night."

I looked back down and replied with a simple "I'm fine" but in my head I said "I've just been trying to many experiments on weapons and stuff but they keep beings flunks and.."

I just wanted to tell him all about what was going on and go on a rant about the flunks and how mad there making me. But I didn't all I said was I'm fine which is a decent answer too I mean it didn't bother me that much.

Sanji stood back up and got to cooking I laid my head back down in my arms soon enough I ended up.."

•Sanji's Pov•

As I got back up and started walking into the kitchen I saw Usopp lay his head back onto the table where his arms rested.

I decided not to bother the fact that he said he was gonna help me with breakfast. Because before I could say anything he had fallen asleep. But I didn't really care at this point stupid long nose staying up so much he's starting to worry me not gonna lie.

"OH SHIT" I say aloud on accident as I hurried to start breakfast. "Damn it" I mumble under my breath as I put a cigarette into my mouth. And I lit it with the little gas I had left in my excuse of a lighter "I really need an upgrade" I thought.

But other then that Usopp has been staying up a lot lately. Although it's not my life and I don't know why he's doing it he's still worrying me.

I finished breakfast just in time as Robin and Nami walk in I greet them with a "GOOD MORNING NAMI-SWAN AND ROBIN-CHAN" I whisper but also yell at the same time.

Nami and Robin look at me confused as why I whispered this before eventually realizing that Usopp was sleeping peacefully on the table.
Nami looked at me even more confused and questioned"How come your so careful to not wake him up you used to not care?"

I shrug and say " Change is good sometimes you know" I serve them there breakfast and watch as Luffy barges in yelling "MEAT MEAT MEAT." Nami hits him on the head I also see a certain moss head walk in and sit down to start eating his food.

Luffy starts whining at Sami  saying "Namiiiii why are you so mean I just did what I do everydayyy." Nami puts a single finger on her lips and points at Usopp soon Luffy gets the verdict and quiets down a little bit.

Luffy goes to sit down right next to Zoro as chopper walks in and sits down next to Nami. I serve them all there food Franky then walks in Yelling one word specifically "the food in here smells SUPPERRRRR." Nami once again gets up and bashes one of her crew members on the head. doing the same gestures she did for Luffy Franky also gets it and sits down.

Brook was the last one to walk in humming a random tune. But he stops when he realizes how quiet it is Brook doesn't question it tho he just sits down and starts eating.

!!I don't know if I'll make more chapters it depends on if later on like tomorrow if I feel like writing again or if this story even gets any read or anything only then I might make more chapters I might also if I genuinely enjoy writing this story.!!

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