Chapter 11

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•Nami's POV•

|That same evening|

In the evening shanks was still here obviously and Sanji made three times as much as he regularly would for lunch. Shanks and his crew are weird souls you don't know what there gonna do or if someone's gonna strike.

But I doubt it Luffy trusts shanks and normally people he trusts don't try anything silly. Even though Shanks has a big name around the world Luffy probably doesn't even know that. He probably just thinks shanks is back or my father figure is back. He's really simple minded sadly damn sometimes I regret joining this pirate crew.

But I'm proud of our flag and of this crew so I don't plan to leave it anytime soon.I felt a hand in my shoulder that knocked me out of my state of dreams. When I went to look who it was it was Robin she gave me a soft smile and said "Nami your standing when everyone else is sitting are you alright?"

I laugh a little bit cause god damn that's embarrassing then I sit down quickly apologizing as I do.

Shanks and Luffy were still talking about there adventurers and Luffy was telling him about fish man island. Shanks was just sitting there listening carefully laughing at the things he found funny. Zoro was sitting closer to Luffy then he normally would I don't know why but he's being a little weird.

While everyone was partying and eating I decided to continue drawing some of my maps. When I finished that up it was noon after everyone ate lunch. Luffy was energetic as always with a tired Zoro following him and shanks around everywhere. It was quite funny to see Zoro miserably drag himself to follow them.

Me and Robin would make fun of him time to time while we drank our drinks on the deck of the Sunny. Chopper would come on the deck (in his human form) and ruin Luffys fun by telling him about his specific check up he had to do. Lately Chopper would call Luffy into his office and Luffy wouldn't complain but sometimes Robin and Zoro would look down when it happened. Most of us where confused but left it alone but to my surprised the person who had the courage to ask what none of us did was Shanks.

And when he did ask it Zoro looked at Robin and Robin shook her head saying "He is basically Luffys father figure he should know" In Zoros ear since she had got up when Luffy got called to Choppers office and walked to Zoro. Robin told Shanks to follow her and Zoro as they went to Choppers office but I'm pretty sure they didn't go in.

•Robins POV•

Me Shanks and Zoro walked to Choppers office but didn't go in we slightly opened the door and showed Shanks the tests being run on Luffy. When we shut the door he looked confused and said "What type of tests are those what is wrong with Luffy does he even know what's wrong with him."

Zoro looked at him and said "Calm down Shanks we're not happy about what's going on either but Luffys mphl vivre card has shown us lately that Luffy isn't mentally okay. So every once in awhile when it gets bad Chopper will ask Luffy into his office checking on his mental illness."

"He also makes sure he hasn't harmed himself" I whisper into Shanks ear making sure not to let Zoro know. I also whisper "Don't tell Zoro that he's been harming himself tho he will freak." Zoro looked at me confused and I said "He doesn't know what mphl stands for and my throat hurts so whispering the explanation would have been easier for everyone."

Shanks looks at me surprised and shook his head Zoro does the same but without the surprised look. And Shanks says "He'll be fine this has happened before just give it a few months as long as it's not death worthy bad it'll be gone soon."

I look at him telling him it's gotten close to death. And that's when he jumps when he looks at me and Zoro back in forth and then says. "It's that bad? It's never been close to death bad."

Zoro looks confused but let's it slide for now at least I know later on he will be asking me about it.

"This is just a check up though so nothing bads happened yet and we don't know the results until Chopper says them." I tell them both reassuring that it's not always bad and them both shaking there head agreeing . When Luffy gets done he walks out and jumps onto Zoro hugging him and saying "I hate those shots so muchhhhhhhhh when will it be over Zoroo." Zoro laughing at his childish act me and Shanks ask Chopper about the results. He gives a thumb up nothing more then that but he ends up saying "there are still signs of depression and overthinking is high for him at the moment.But no new self harm wounds that I see of only the one from last time and from before the sunny." Shanks who was still surprised says "He's never gotten so bad into this to harm himself i wonder what's causing him to think so low. And he looks so normal he looks just fine I mean it's expected from him but still."

Me and Chopper both shrug as we all look at Luffy cuddling up with his lover Chopper completely innocent asking. "Are they boyfriend and boyfriend Robin? When I was with doctor Kureha she taught me that whenever two people become partners and are in love new babies are made. Will Luffy and Zoro have a kid will there be a new crew member?" Shanks was laughing and so was I "No Chopper there won't be a new crew member at least I don't think so and Zoro and Luffy can't have a kid it's basically impossible." I reply with.

Shanks soon ended up leaving knowing Luffy was alright he and his crew got ready to sail off. Luffy who was sad that Shanks had to leave gave him a big hug and said bye he knew we would see him again soon. And we would soon meet each other as rivals instead of friends but for now we were friends good ones too. Usopp and Sanji were watch tonight while Luffy who said he would be watch again since he didn't do his job last time had fell asleep on the deck from the shots Chopper gave him.

And Zoro who was after him took him to there room falling asleep with Luffy. And me and Robin ended up going to sleep in our room with Chopper who chose to sleep with us instead of Zoro and Luffy tonight.

•Usopps POV•

Me and Sanji were on watch tonight even though Luffy was supposed to be on watch but we let it slide. I sat beside Sanji with my head on his shoulder as we watched from the crows nest for any dangers even though we were at a island. People could still rob us or bounty hunters would try to kill one of us so we still have someone for watch. I was slowly falling asleep trying my best to stay awake and Sanji was fully awake his eyes watching everything and every movement beyond the ship. Every once in awhile we would have small talk like him asking if I'm still awake and me asking if he's still awake. He ended up kissing me on the forehead and saying "Go to sleep Usopp I can stay up and be watch you don't have to go to the room you can stay here with me but go to sleep I know your tired I can tell."

Im pretty sure he could tell because I kept falling asleep then jerking up to wake myself up. But after hearing him say this I fell asleep to the sounds of the waves crashing against the boat and the comfort of Sanji's hand touching mine as well as his shoulder as  a pillow. Which I don't recommend it's very boney not comfortable but not not comfortable it's comfy enough to fall asleep on that's all that counts.

Word count: 1460

So I'm sorry again because I've been loosing motivation but I might start another series not based on a fandom but I'm not sure yet I still plan to stretch this one as long as I can because I enjoy writing it and re reading it  it's inspirational at-least for me knowing I had the talent to do something like that you may not understand but it's really cool because I'm not good at many things and I'm really proud of this 😭.

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