Chapter 15

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•After Zoro and Luffy came out so did Sanji and Usopp•

•same evening as last chapter•

•Usopps POV•

Once me and Sanji heard Zoro and Luffy come out we nodded our heads at each other although we were shocked. We both figured maybe it would be the best time to do it anyways once we came out the only people  surprised were Everyone, Everyone was surprised except for Robin and Zoro who already knew. After the long moments of shock almost everyone went through everyone accepted each other. Nami and Robin were in a relationship Zoro and Luffy too it almost felt as if it wasn't a coincidence how Luffy put together such a crew that created so many relationships romantically.

Or maybe it was just that were around each other so much that we start to tolerate one another. And then that tolerance end up in us falling for each other. And those crushes take us to these relationship which take us to come out to the crew the most accepting crew anyone could have.

But t hat night after Sanji made dinner everyone was back to normal joking,singing,eating, and Luffy trying to steal everyone's meat. Once night hit Chopper went to Zoro and Luffys room again to sleep with them, Robin and Nami stayed up for watch, Franky and Brook went to there room, and Me and Sanji went to ours. But when Sanji shout the door something felt wrong I didn't know what until I felt him tackle me onto the bed. He smiled softly at me before kissing me relentlessly over and over again when he stopped I was breathing so hard like I hadn't had air in years.

He smiled at me again saying "Aren't you happy the crew knows and supports us now?" I stared at him and nodded my head my face was flushed at the sudden attack of affection. He then cuddled me and said "I love you, Usopp I'm glad your comfortable with everyone knowing about us it makes me happy" I could tell he was smiling as he  put his head on my shoulder holding me from behind. I nodded once more saying "I'm happy you're happy." Slightly smiling at him I never knew Sanji was so soft about something.

It was cute he then fell asleep while I stayed up deepening in thought of what could have gone wrong this evening. I then turned to face Sanji accidentally waking him up he looked at me I was now turned facing him. He looked at me a little confused then said "Why are you still up" he yawned then retracted his hands away from me to rub his eyes. I looked at him my eyes saddening a bit before saying.

"I couldn't stop thinking about all the things that could have gone wrong this evening what if everyone would have found us disgusting and we wouldn't have anymore friends what if-" I was cut off as he kissed me again when he stopped he whispered "go to sleep Usopp" in my ear as one of his hands was holding me while the other hand was on my face caressing it softly. I nodded at him putting my face into the corner of his neck I fell asleep quickly and quietly.

And I'm pretty sure he fell asleep too after knowing I did. I woke up the next morning around six am which was strange the only time I knew it was almost six was because Sanji had just gotten up. I looked at him as he started to get up dressed then turned around quickly my face growing pink. He looked at me hearing the sound of bed sheets rustling as I turned he walked over to me now almost shirtless and leaned over me whispering in my ear.

"Enjoy the view my love?"  I looked up at him a little shocked I was looking I. His eyes then his chest then I quickly turned back to the wall looking away from him. He smiled at me kissing my forehead head he continued to undress and then dress again in his day clothes.  Before he left he said "if you want to come downstairs you can sit at the table and watch me cook I know you're gonna struggle to go back to bed so I'm sorry for waking you."

I nodded my head after I did I heard the door shut and his footsteps down the hallways. He was right I was struggling to fall back asleep so I decided to go down stairs with him. When I got there he said "Good morning" smiling at me. I walked over to him and put my head on his shoulder watching as he cut vegetables he went to put in a pan. But stopped he turned his head and kissed on the cheek before saying "Go sit down Usopp okay" I nodded at him I knew I was probably in the way of him cooking that's why he needed me to leave so I did. I sat down at the table and watched him cook from afar. I then made a bet with myself thinking about who would come in the door last.

My first answer was Zoro but I then remembered how Luffy gets up to the smell of certain meat. So I changed my mind and said Brook and unfortunately I was wrong. Brook was actually the first person up today at least he came in and sat down not saying much eventually starting conversation with Sanji. Then Chopper came in followed by Zoro and Luffy who was clinged onto Zoro tiredly. Which was a surprised normally it's Zoro walking in tired. Next was Robin and name lastly was Franky once everyone was in Sanji gave out the food.

But to everyone's surprised Luffy didn't eat he just sat on Zoro's lap and slept exhaustedly. I looked at Zoro and so did Robin being as concerned as she is for me and Luffy asked Zoro. "What's wrong with Luffy swordsman" Zoro looked at Robin and said "A bad nightmare woke him up last night in the middle of the night and he couldn't fall back asleep I only found out he didn't go back to be when I woke up. So I spent most of my time trying to coo him to sleep like a fucking child." He said it a little annoyed but everyone knew he was just worried about him.

Robin nodded and said "Alright," she looked at Sanji then said "Put Luffy's food away until he wakes up Sanji he'll be hungry when he does so try to make him a little more." He nodded and replied saying "alright" Sanji was a little scared of Robin so he almost did her every words but he wasn't obedient to her just a little scared I'm pretty sure it was from the one time I saw Robin walking away from him with a smirk.

Luffy started to toss and turn in Zoros arms which caught most of the crews attention. Mainly me,Zoro, Robin, and Chopper Zoro started to comb his fingers through his hair hugging him a little tighter comforting him with nothing but silent worry in his whispers. It was kinda adorable and funny to see Zoro care so much publicly for Luffy. It was almost like Zoro forgot the whole crew was right Infront of him later on Luffy woke up and ate a whole lot of food. He ended up being okay like Zoro said it was just a nightmare but when he woke up okay I'm pretty sure he felt more relieved than anyone else.

Luffy was back to himself laughing a lot,playing,sneaking into the pantry,and cuddling with Zoro. The whole crew was good even better now that all of the 'ships' feel comfortable being out. The crew accepted everyone and I mean everyone Franky came out to liking iceberg a lot and being in a long distance relationship. And a lot more the ship was at peace we'll accept for being at war with the government and on our way to make luffy the king of pirates as well as everyone's else dreams to make them come true. The crew was at least at peace and that's what everyone wished for.


•Word count: 1443•


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