Chapter one

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Authors note; welcome back to this amazing story. This sequel is going to root off of the ending from the last book (the last actual chapter) so pretend the 30 years later and the what happened to her kids never happened.

Karly's POV

"Hayes?" i broke the silence.

"Yes dear" he replied with his tired raspy voice.

"I love you" i whispered.

"I love you too" he repeated, i could tell he was tired.

"Hayes?" I said softly again.

"Yes dear" he replied again.

"Im pregnant"

Nobody said anything. I layed still on the stiff beach house bed. I tried looking over at Hayes, but I couldn't tell if he's still awake or just in shock.

"Hayes? Are you okay"

"Just what we need! More kids we don't have room anymore in our house, and I don't want to move out of the house either" his voice raised but not loud enough to wake anyone up.
I shut my mouth and thought about it.
Some kids can share a room, there's only 4 of them. I can't tell if he is mad at me or what.

Turned over on my side and cradled my pregnant stomach. Its not yet showing but when it is I will break the news to everyone else including the kids.
The next day
Alex's POV
(If you remember from the chapter 100 Alex is Karly's son and he is in love with Elizabeth, Matt's daughter)

When I woke up I went down stairs. I ran into a wall thinking the hall way was gonna keep going then I remembered we are in a beach house in Florida not home in California.

Everyone was sitting around the semi-big dinning table and sitting all around the living room and kitchen since there isn't a lot of room for the number of family's here.

The whole downstairs was smoky and smelled like burning bacon.

"Damn Matt, you know how to cook or what" Cameron yelled. I don't know why but since I'm named after Cameron I feel like I have to look up to him or something like that.

"It's only a little burnt everyone" Matt yelled over everyone's talking.
I made my way to the dinning table through all the smoke and taking and sat next to Elizabeth.

"Good morning Alex" she blushed.

"Good morning Liz"

"This food sucks, my dad can't cook" she complained. I was going to agree but I didn't want to offend her over her father, Matt.

"Let's get out of here" she said jumping out of her chair and grabbing my hand.

"Where are we going?" I asked as she pulled me up the stairs.

"No leaving the house" someone yelled.

"We're not, just going upstairs" Liz yelled back.

"No sex" my nine year old sister Lia screamed with black bacon hanging out of her mouth.

"Sex! What I heard sex" Taylor freaked out, I started laughing.

She pulled me into a room and shut the door. Are we really gonna do something or what.

"Why are we in Cameron's room?" I asked, she was to busy to answer any question. She lifted the lock on the window and slid it open.

"Come on" she started climbing out the window onto the roof. I nervously followed after her trying not to slip off.
She carefully crawled down the emergency ladder. One wrong move and you fall. Slowly one foot at a time I climbed down the ladder backwards.

Elizabeth made it down and waited for me to finish climbing. I tripped over the last step and fell backwards.
I gasped thinking I was gonna die.

"I got you" Elizabeth shouted startled.
I fell over her almost pushing her down. It was kinda embarrassing.

"Sorry" I said out loud.

"Shh we have to keep our voices down so they don't know we left" she explained. I didn't really think of that.

"Where are we going?" I asked again.

"Why can't you just let the street guide you, you don't always have to know just go with it" once again she's right.
I took a deep breath and let go of worries.

I swiped her off her feet and lifted her on to my shoulders. holding onto her legs I ran down the street until we were into at the beach walk. She laughed and giggled as we made our way around.

(Picture above)

The Griers (Adopted by Magcon sequel)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin