Chapter seven

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Things are about to get deep.

Alex's pov

I spent the next three days catching up on sleep. If I was in my room I was sleeping, if I was in the living room I was sleeping, if i was in the kitchen I was sleeping. Those long never ending hours of sleep didn't once include thinking, talking, or missing Elizabeth. Honestly I'm not even mad.
On day four of catching up on sleep I was invited to go on a camping trip with my best friends and a new student. Best bud bonding sounds like my kind of thing. Nothing like sending time and making memories with your childhood friends. Plus, I get to meet a new friend.
I headed into the kitchen where mom was chopping orange carrots into a yellow bowl.
"Hey mom?" I started.
"Yes dear" she answered without taking her eyes off the carrot. She was chopping at like 55 mph.
"My friends are going camping for the weekend, is it alright if I tag along?" I asked her politely so she'd say yes.
"I don't know honey, we just got home from vacation it might not be a good idea" she shot me a crooked iffy smile.
I didn't give her a look back, just a empty face with no expression.

"I'll do anything for you please" I begged, and lied and she knew it. I was holding a limit on what I would possibly do for her and she was fully aware of it. Her right eye brow shot up.

"Anything?" She said in a suspicious tone. I hesitantly nodded my head up and then down. We stared deeply into each other's eyes for approximately 15 seconds. She was giving my a sly look.

"Go tell your dad dinners done and I'll let you go" I fake chuckled in relief that I didn't get stuck cleaning out the shed or garage. I hate mom tricks like this.
   I headed towards the basement door and skipped down the wooden stairs.
"Dad dinner" I called down without going all the way into the basement.
Nobody answered back.
"Dad?" I called again. Still nothing. I started walking down the stairs again.
"Dad? Are you down here?" My palms began to sweat, I clinched my fist together.


It all happened so fast my life flashed before my youthful eyes. A shape grasped my shoulder tightly pulling me towards the ground smashing my collar bone . I shouted heavily as i crawled into a ball on the cement floor to protect myself.

"MOMMM!!!" I cried, my voice crackled and faded away. Is this it? Is this the part of my story when I'm brutally beaten and killed like a helpless animal. Familiar laughs filled the air around me, and that when anger built up inside my shaking body.

"You little shits!" I screamed throwing myself on top of Ben's bent over body. I felt the rage as I tackled him into the floor, seven years of wrestling, Mikey ran upstairs and locked the basement door behind him also turning the light out on his way out. Everything was black and out of sight.

"Mikey! What the hell" Ben whined running up the stairs as fast as he could like a frightened kitten. He pounded on the door repeatedly.

"Scared?" I asked teased. If I could see his face it would be red with anger and fear. Three minutes later look who opened the door. Dad.
"Dinner is ready, what are you two doing in the dark down here" he stood there for a second blankly "never mind" he added. Ben and I both punched dad in the shoulder catching onto the dirty joke.
Mikey sat at the brown wood table grinning and digging into the home made chicken noodle soup as if nothing has happened.
"Took you long enough" he laughed.
"I hate you" Ben said stepping onto Mickey's foot. Mikey cried out holding on to his foot capturing the pain.
"Enough boys" Mom sternly finished.

-the next day-

I started packing my duffle bad with my camping necessities. Clothing, extension cord, flash light, lighter, hiking boots, ect. I listened to a light tapping sound against my door, the sound of small knuckles hitting the wood.
I turned my head and spied mom standing in the doorway smiling.
"Take this" she revealed a blue journal and tossed it to me. The journal landed on my lap flipping open to a random empty page.
"What is this?" I questioned, obviously a diary, and I don't write diaries.
"Use it when you're camping, write down memories, lists, or anything you want" she was most definitely excited about this small book of empty pages with a ¢99 sticker on it's hard cover (U.S dollars)

"Mom" I huffed throwing my head back.
"Please" she pouted "you won't regret it"
"If anyone sees me writing in a diary I'm gonna loose my social reputation"
We argued about the note book for a good two minutes. I ended up wrapping the note book in a white hand towel and tucking under all my stuff, so nobody would see it.

At 3:00 pm my buddy Brent pulled into the driveway in his big black Ford pick up truck. He threw my crap into the back and we were on our way. A truck filled with my two best friend Brent and Hayden. Hayden's girlfriend Bree came too out of last minute planning. And the new kid, Jeff, was a freak I could tell already. He was tall and slim, like 7ft. He has a large round nose, cold blue eyes, and a frown carved into his long face.
He sat awkwardly in between Bree and Hayden in the back seat while Bree and Hayden held each other's hand over his lap. I looked at him through the rear view mirror, and he stared back at me not blinking or moving.
His eyes finally moved and glanced directly into my soul it felt like; not to mention it fricken scared me. I quickly moved my eyes and looked over at Bree.
Long wavy golden hair, brown freckles, brown eyes, basic girl.

It's really strange what happened next honestly I don't know how to explain it. Suddenly we all woke up parked in a torn abandoned down gas station parking lot in the middle of no where. Cold sweat dripped down my forehead. My stomach churned and my legs ached as if I ran down a endless road for miles. Could I have had a out of body experience? Feels so.
My breathing was abnormal, heavy and loud. I looked around me quickly. Brent has his head cocked back in a deep sleep with drool dripping out of his mouth off his bottom lip.

My neck crackled and I whimpered as I looked behind me at Bree and Hayden they were spooning in the back seat. Hayden over Bree's side, both completely out.
The car was off but unlocked. Jeff wasn't in the truck anymore. I squeezed my eyes together trying not to look out the window, I'm to scared to see what the window has to offer. All I know about outside is that it's silent, pitch black, and nobody around us for miles.

Slowly I opened my eyes, revealing a little bit of the black sky at a time. When my eyes adjusted to what was in front of I screamed a long loud horrific scream at the sight in front of me.

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