Chapter six

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Sorry I killed you all for not updating for 300 years and I don't plan on updating a lot but I'm so bored I wanted to update so I haven't wrote this in a while so some of this might not be accurate.

Alex's POV

We arrived to the airport back home. It was so earlier in the morning everyone was dead, like this was the zombie apocalypse and we are all zombies casually passing each other but unable to communicate, maybe groan or mumble but no words. I can't stop thinking about Elizabeth and what she said. It's like a aching never ending feeling. Damn, I feel so guilty like I killed a innocent puppy. I only friend zoned her and she friend zoned me back. Who ever invented the friend zone like come on man, why to make every dude feel like a douche bag every time a girl "just wants to be friends" or something like that.

My mom directed us to the other side of the airport where the parking lot was. A girl in a tight navy blue skirt and matching blazer smiled and nodded as we walked pass her out the door, I feel bad for this lady. She's up at 3:00 in the morning for work just to greet people by an electric door that automatically opens itself when a person walks by the sensor, it's not like she has to hold a door open or anything.

I gave her a smile back since my whole family is half asleep, but I mean so is this women she probably hasn't slept in a while. She deserved a smile back. I would tip her if she was a waitress.
I looked down at myself while we walked through the shady parking lot. It was kinda like a horror movie or a fight seen in a movie. Dim yellow lighting just enough to find your car, a few cars parked scattered around the parking lot, and the smell of old rain.
I stared at my white converse and watched them step one foot at a mine in front of each other. it's kind weird the way things work, one step at a time. I tried to picture my feet stepping in slow motion, and then I sped it up like I was running from a serial killer in a movie. It's already like I forgot about Elizabeth.

I try not to get butt hurt over girls and relationships since I'm still young and in high school. I have a lot to live up to, I still have college and the rest of my life to meet new people. Focusing on catching a soul mate out of the School of fish I've been going to school with since kindergarten. It's honestly pointless, it's like spending a whole day trying to capture a butterfly so you can let it go free as soon as you've got it in your reach.

I'll never even see her again. She lives out of state. But oh how cheesy I feel about how I'm gonna miss her dirty blonde luscious long hair, sandy freckles spread across her face, deep dimples. Thinking about this isn't safe for my health right now.
Instead I look to my mom. Karly Grier, my mother, my birth giver. She's so kind to think about she does everything for me and I don't even respect her enough. She gives me a hand signal motioning me towards the mini van. I wondering if she thinks how sad it is she drives a soccer mom car.

The trunk it popped open and we all shove our luggage, mainly consisting of suit cases, into the open area of the trunk. I crawl into the far back seat and sit down next to my little sister Lia.
Individually I place my Apple head phones into my ear and start play Lana Del Rey.

"McDonalds anyone?" Dad chuckles a dad laugh and looks back at his kids.
Ben raises his hand anxious for the fast food. I took out my head phone irritated that I just put them in and someone starts talking, I hate that.

I don't feel like editing this and it's short and boring. You're welcome :)

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