Chapter five

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Alex's POV

I would like to say this is some sort of a romantic cute chick flick love story between me, Alexander Grier, and Elizabeth Espinosa. Unfortunately all vacations come to a end. I hate thinking that I spent so much time planning my next move in my head but not thinking about the time I have left to do it. Today is our last day in Florida until we fly back to California. I'll never see Elizabeth again in person. There's always Skype and FaceTime and then there's always the miles and states keeping us away from each other.

My family is leave a day early so my dad can go back to work. I'm gonna miss her so much and I didn't even get to officially call her mine. Yes, there are plenty of girls in Pasadena California but non of them seem to be like Liz.
Instead of spending my last couple hours crying over her I should probably talk to her.

"You have my FaceTime right?" She asked leaning against a wall in my room as I packed my stuff.

"In my contacts" I confidently smirked.

"I'm gonna miss you" she whispered.
I stopped packing and stared down at the old wooden floor boards. I'm gonna miss you to Elizabeth, more than a new born baby would miss its mother, more than a bird would miss flying, more than a boy that would miss a girl, and it's gonna hurt like hell being separated from what I thought was the love of my life. Even though we only met a week ago and spent two weeks together it was the best two weeks of my life. I love you so much.

"Thanks" was all I said. She got up from the wall and left. Man, how do I always manage to screw up. I had so much I could have said but I said thanks. I threw my suit case to the other side of the room knocking over a small bed side table.

"Are you done packing Alex?" My mom called down the hall. I took a deep breath.

"No" I hollered back.

My cold feet pressed against the hard creaky wood floor as I walked across the bedroom to pick up my black suit case I had chucked in anger. I quickly shoved everything back in and struggled to zip it. I sat on top of it and managed to get it zip half way before the zipper would snap off.

My mom already went over what we doing for the last 6 hours before our flight was ready. We would spend 2 hours at the beach for the last time, spend 1 hour shopping for shirts and tacky things that said "Orlando Florida" on it with a cheesy font. Then we would all go out to eat and take up a whole restaurant for an hour or so. The last of the time we had would be determined, we would spend with our whole family including the Grier's, Espinosa's, Caniff's, and Dallas.
First on the list we went to the beach.

I didn't really swim because I'm sick of swimming. We swam the whole time we were here at least once a day, and we have an ocean to swim in in California, it was nothing new to us.
I stared at Elizabeth like a stalker the whole time while I sat in a beach chair snacking on Lays potato chips. She lied in the sun and twiddled her thumbs on her iPad.

After that it was time to shop.
Only Taylor, Matt, Cameron, and Nash came with us to the small shops because they were the reason my parents wanted to come to this trip.
I looked around the store. It was nothing that really interested me, then again nothing was really interesting me at this time. I looked at some hats, bucket hats specifically. They were the same exact hats that were at the gift shop in Los Angeles only it said Florida stuff instead. Knowing my mother she bought a shirt, a sweatshirt, a snow globe, and basically everything we didn't need that said Orlando. I just got a bucket bat and my brothers got a stupid shark head because they're stupid.

Next on the list was lunch. Really one of the only thing I was looking forward too. We went to a steak house of course. I really wanted to sit by Elizabeth and apologize but she sat by her mom instead. So I had no choice but to sit in between Ben and Mikey. Sitting in between the twins is like sitting in between Satan and an angel, they argue and try to get me to do stupid stuff like drink the bottle of hot sauce that was next to the salt and pepper and ketchup. Not to mention they eat like pigs, which is apatite losing.

Lastly we had to say goodbye. I would like to say I kissed Elizabeth for the second and last time but instead I was friend zoned. I opened my arms out to give her w goodbye hug but that's not what I got. what I got was what eight year old boys give there best friends after a cool stunt on their bikes. I got what team mates give other team mates during a sporting event. I got a high five.
You know the clapping together of two hands. Usually used to say good game, nice job, you're cool, or bye see you in middle school tomorrow.

"You friend zone me and I friend zone you" Elizabeth rudely said after I received my kiddish high five.
I wanted to go home right now. Quickly away from Elizabeth's eye sight. I want to be with the hot Pasadena girls at my school. Far from Elizabeth who friend zoned me harder than I friend zoned her.

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