Chapter 6

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The Salvatore Boarding house was eerily quiet. The Mikaelson's, Bonnie and Caroline were sitting in the living room while Stefan, Damon and Elena sat across from them. Damon and Elena looked nervous, while Stefan was confused as to what was going on.

"So who talks first? You talk first? I talk first?" Damon spoke up, but grew quiet when he got a dark look from Finn.

"Your efforts to harm my family have gone too far, and what you did today showed that. You killed our niece's mother, our brother's wife and all because you wanted to get back at me" Klaus began.

"Well, we were technically going for Finn" Damon pointed out, and instantly regretted what he said.

"Like that's any better!" The hybrid spat.

"Wait a second. You tried to kill Rosalie's father, only to end up killing her mother?" Stefan questioned, looking to his ex-girlfriend and brother with a bewildered look.

"As if you didn't know" Rebekah glared, making the younger Salvatore turn to her.

"Rebekah, I honestly didn't know. I knew they were going to go after a Mikaelson, but I told them not to. And I know you probably don't believe me, but it's true" He said.

"I don't bloody care what you knew or didn't. What I want to know is why this little bitch thought it was a good idea to hurt my daughter the way she did?" Finn snapped, pointing at Elena who shrunk back into the seat.

"What did little Rosa ever do to you for you to act so cruel?" Kol questioned angrily, his brown eyes now a black colour because of how angry he was.

"I--I don't know" The Gilbert girl answered quietly.

In a fit of rage, Finn sped towards Elena and wrapped his hand around her neck and lifted her in the air with a snarl and his vampire face showing. Damon went to stop him, but his neck was instantly snapped by Elijah while Stefan just stayed in his seat.

Any other time he would've defended Elena, but for some reason he didn't want to especially after hearing what she did to Rosalie, who he has grown to care about in such a short amount of time.

"Don't give me that, you pathetic little human. I don't care that you tried to kill me, but I do care that you killed my wife and then insulted my daughter and basically bragged about killing her mother to her face!" He growled, tightening his hold on the girl's neck before releasing her. The girl collapsed to the ground, coughing aggressively and tried to gain oxygen back into her lungs.

"You really are like Katherine" Stefan stated looking at Elena as she were a stranger.

He didn't care about the look of hurt that crossed her face, he was too ashamed of her to apologise. He really thought that Elena would be better, but it seems as though she's finally showed her true colours.

"I know that an apology won't fix anything that has happened, but you have my sincerest condolences. And I meant it when I said I had no idea, otherwise I would've stopped it from happening" Stefan stated softly to the originals, but was mainly looking at Finn who looked like a wreck. Not that the Salvatore blamed him, of course.

Instead of saying anything, the eldest original gave Stefan a curt nod before speeding out of the house. Rebekah looked as though she was about to attack Elena, but was surprisingly stopped by Klaus making the blonde girl look at him in utter annoyance.

"Not now, sister. Right now our niece and brother need us. We've been at each others throats for far too long, and god knows It's about time we start acting like a bloody family. Another time, Bekah" The hybrid expressed, gaining surprised looks from his siblings. This is the first time Klaus has ever admitted that the family had been failing at being one, but they weren't going to question it.

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