Chapter 7

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Rosalie was in the kitchen at the Mikaelson mansion, getting herself a cup of coffee. It had been a few hours since speaking with her mother, her father had come in just as she had finished and the girl left not long after to allow him time alone with Sage.

The heretic had zoned out while waiting for the coffee machine to be ready. She was so caught up in her thoughts, she hadn't realised that it had stopped until someone gently nudged her making her jump and turn to see Elijah looking down at her in concern.

"Uncle 'Lijah? I'm sorry, were you talking to me?" Rosalie cleared her throat, whilst putting a smile on her face but they both knew it was fake.

"Just that your coffee was ready, but you seemed to be somewhere else" Elijah replied, handing the hot coffee cup to his niece.

"My apologies, I can't seem to think straight" She chuckled softly, before taking a much need sip of her drink.

"That is understandable, sweetheart. It's okay to not be okay, there's no need to hide it" The original stated, watching how Rosalie's lip quivered and her eyes watered.

Placing her cup down, the heretic quickly embraced her uncle catching him off guard slightly. But he instantly hugged her back, his cheek resting upon her head.

"I'm sorry, uncle 'Lijah" She whispered against his suit jacket.

"What are you apologising for, dear?" The man hummed, still keeping his niece in his arms.

"For---For using my magic on you earlier. I'm never one to use my magic against people, especially family. Forgive me" Rosalie said. Elijah pulled away, and looked to the girl with a soft smile.

"My dear, there is no need to apologise. There is nothing to forgive. You were upset, and I understood that" The man stated, before kissing her forehead and leaving the kitchen. Rosalie smiled softly, her heart feeling a little lighter. As she finished up her coffee, her father walked in with a saddened face.

"Would you like cup of coffee or tea papa? Or maybe you'd like something to eat?" Rosalie suggested gently. Finn sighed with a smile, the man walking over to his daughter and wrapped his arms around her.

"Ah, my sweet girl. You have the kindest heart and soul, and I don't know what I would do without you" Finn said, hugging her tighter before pulling away with a smile.

"You would simply perish, papa" Rosalie giggled, before preparing him something to eat and drink while Finn watched on with a fond smile.


Rosalie was in the lounge room reading one of the many grimoire's that Kol had given her. Her family were out and about doing whatever, minus her father who was in the library reading. The girl had been reading the grimoire's for hours now, but she's been reading the same spell for the past fifteen minutes.

Her mind was racing with thoughts, which was distracting her. The heretic sighed heavily before slamming the book shut, and rubbed her head as if she had a headache. Though she was quickly distracted by the door bell ringing, making her sigh again before answering the door.

"Stefan? Caroline? Bonnie? What are you guys doing here?" Rosalie questioned when she came face to face with the two vampires and witch.

"We came over earlier, but we were told that you weren't up for seeing people so we left" Bonnie explained, giving the heretic a sad smile.

"Yeah, so we thought that we would come back and maybe e could take you out for some lunch at the Grill" Stefan added, but Rosalie gave him a look of uncertainty.

"Oh, I don't know. I'm not sure if that's a good idea" Rosalie said.

"Aw, please, Rosie. We can go shopping afterwards, oh and maybe get our nails done" Caroline chirped, a beaming smile appearing on her face.

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