Chapter 8

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A thump was heard through-out Rosalie's apartment. The heretic had tried to make her way to another part of the room, but ended up tripping over a heap of fabrics. Rosalie huffed in annoyance, the woman slowly got back to her feet and dragged her feet so she didn't fall over again.

For the past month ad a half, Rosalie has been cooped up in her house creating a new clothing collection. She knew that just because she was in Mystic Falls, it didn't mean that she had to stop herself from working. The heretic has been working her ass off creating new dresses, so much so that she hardly knew how long she had actually been working.

Even though she had been working hard, Rosalie always made sure to message or call her family so that they knew she was alive and well. The heretic wasn't going to lie, she missed seeing her father, uncles and aunt.

Her family were aware of her working, and they were glad that she wasn't around because of all the drama that's been going on. Rosalie had already been in danger, the last thing they wanted was for her to get hurt or even killed. When she contacted them, they would make sure not to tell her everything that was going on with them, because they knew she would drop everything to help them.

Rosalie had finally finished the last dress, which she had been working on for a good twenty four hours straight and she was exhausted.

"Maybe----Maybe I could just have a small nap" She muttered to herself, sitting herself at her desk and rested her head upon a mountain of fabric. And within in seconds, the heretic was knocked out cold.

After what felt like minutes which actually turned out to be ten hours, there was a knock on her door but the heretic didn't move a muscle as she was still dead to the world. No pun intended.

"Do you think she's home?" Rebekah questioned.

"She is. I can hear her heartbeat" Stefan answered, before knocking again but like before there was no answer. The Salvatore then checked the handle, and the door instantly opened.

"Apparently keeping her door locked isn't a priority" Klaus muttered, not liking the idea of his niece having the door unlocked for anyone to come in.

Rebekah and Stefan walked in first, but they didn't make it very far because the two ended up falling to the ground with a loud thud.

"Son of a bitch" The blonde hissed from beside Stefan who was groaning in slight pain. The two stood up, and that's when they all noticed the large piles of different fabrics sitting on nearly every part of the flooring.

"I think I know what our niece can't do. And that's cleaning" Kol snickered, stepping over the mess as he went to find Rosalie. When they all followed the sound of Rosalie's heartbeat, they came across a rather large room and their eyes widened when they saw how messy the room is. It was even worse than the rest of the house.

Caroline looked around the room, before her eyes settled onto a person slumped over the desk and she instantly knew who it was.

"Aww, she's asleep. That's why she didn't answer the door" The blonde said, making everyone look to where she was looking. Smiles appeared on their faces when they saw Rosalie fast asleep on her desk with bits of thread caught in her hair and a piece of fabric stuck to her face.

Finn carefully walked over to his daughter, a fond smile appearing on his face. Her mouth was slightly open, soft little snores could be heard. He found it amusing because this was exactly how she would sleep when she was little. Apparently things haven't changed at all.

"Time to wake up, little one" He said softly, as he gently nudged her but she remained asleep. His sister decided to take matters into her own hands, and smashed a metal spoon against a pot creating a very loud sound.

Little Darling || TVD & TOजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें