Blood part 2| no ship

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When ilor finally arrived with the Royal medic he was surprised to see his friends sitting at the steps of the One Tower, crying


Riff knee that he had to tell the others. Yes, it would break their heart but they had to know.

They were sitting on the One Tower's steps. The young firie herald had stopped crying for some time now, thinking on what to tell the ice price.

What could he say? That there wasn't any need of the medical since Ao-ki had already passed away? How would he even react? Angry? Sad? Devastated? If he had to be honest, he had never seen Ilor show many emotions other than anger, disappointment or pride. He rarely showed any other emotion.

Riff pulled his legs towards his chest and hugged them, resting his head on top of his knees. He stayed like that for a while before he finally turned his head slightly towards Eron, who was still crying of the loss of his best friend, and Trek, who was also slightly crying but mostly comforting Eron.
Suddenly they all heard a voice calling them. They all looked towards the direction of the voice and saw Ikor. He had finally arrived with the Royal medic.

"Guys, I'm going to show the medic where Ao-ki's room is located and I'll be back as soon as I can" Ikor said as he got off Crios and quickly walked/run towards the entrance of the One Tower. Before he could even enter the One Tower, Riff grabbed him by the wrist.

"Ikor, i-... We need to tell you something... Important" said Riff, hesitant.

"Alright" the prince said before he turned to the medic and told him where Ao-ki's room was.

The medic nodded and started running to the room of the light gormian to tend her injuries.

"What is it?" Said Ikor as his attention turned back to his firie friend that was still holding his hand.

"It's... about Ao-ki"

"Did something happen?" He asked with worry being present in his tone of voice.

"Uhm..." Riff let go of his hand and looked at his feet. Ikor waited for him to answer with a raised eyebrow. "She passed... a bit not too long ago"

"What?" The young herald was in shock as he stayed silent. The firie looked up from his feet just to be surprised to see Ikor with tears running down his cheeks. He certainly didn't expect that reaction from him. "What do you mean she passed? This can't be real. Riff, this isn't something to joke about" Ikor's voice was slightly cracking. He was in denial.

"Ikoko, he isn't joking" Eron finally spoke up. He was still crying, tears running down his cheeks like waterfalls.

Ikor couldn't believe this, he had just lost another person close to him. First it was his mother and now one of his dearest and only friends? He couldn't believe this, he just couldn't. He didn't want to believe this. This had to be a dream, a nightmare.


The Royal medic was examining the young girl. He had seen her a few times in the ice palace. He had an excellent memory and was also very good at observing so he had remembered every detail of her and one thing clear was that she was way paler than the other times he had seen her. He also examined the bandages the young prince had put on her he had to admit, Ikor had done an excellent job at doing so too, the medical classes that he had to take in order to become a successful leader and king really paid off.

He checked her pulse, she still had it, it was quiet but still present. He looked at her torso to she if she was showing and signs of breathing, it was unclear at first but she was indeed breathing. By what he remembered, after accidentally overhearing what she was saying to the ice prince's cousin, it couldn't be easy for someone to know if she was breathing or not due to the armor she was constantly wearing. He took off the bandages to tend the wounds before putting new bandages and walking out to inform the heralds about her well-being.

Once he stepped out he immediately saw a surprising image, the ice prince crying. That was something someone can't see every day.

"The Guardian is alive and well" He said as he walked towards the younger gormians.

"What?" They were all confused

"But Riff told us that she died" Trek said

"Yea, once I entered her room she was already way paler than usual and wasn't breathing too. I checked her pulse and she didn't have any" said Riff, confused too.

"Perhaps you checked wrong. As for her paleneds, it was because the huge amount of blood loss" the elderly ice gormian said calmly.

"But I did everything correctly-" riff was cut off.

"I studied a full 25 years to get my diploma and worked hard for 36 years of my life to get my status as a Royal medic. Do you think that you, a literal child that is no older than the age of 12 and stopped school in order to fight a couple bad guys, know more than me on this kind of stuff? I can assure you that there is no possible way for you to win this argument" he said in a calm yet threatening manner, making the fire herald to shut up and the rock herald to snicker.

"Wait" Eron turned towards Riff. "You made us cry for no reason?" He sounded pissed off.

"It was an accident?" Riff shrugged with guilt.

"Why you little-" Eron started to chase him around, making ikor sigh in disappointment.

*few hours later*

Ao-ki was slowly waking up, she didn't know how many hours she was unconscious but one thing was certain and that was that her head and body hurt like hell. She was suddenly suffocated by the embrace of four people.

"Guys, I can't breathe" She wizzed out, making the guys to let her go as they muttered a small 'sorry' and a chuckle, making her chuckle as well. She smiled as she looked at them but then noticed that Riff had a black eye.

"What happened to your eye, Riff?" She asked I'm concern.

"I punched him because he told us that you were dead" Eron said, looking as if he was still holding a small grudge.

"I checked her pulse wrong, ok? Geez!" Riff said while pouting. "I swear, he might look frigal and weak but he could easily win a bodybuilder in a fistfight" Riff told Ao-ki and making her, along with the others, to laugh.


Finally posted this one-shot, sorry for making everyone wait (◞‸◟ㆀ)

Thank you for reading☆(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*
Hope you have a nice day/night

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