Chapter 2: Road trip! (Aug 3rd)

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"Finally, now the PAW Patrol was on the road driving all the way to Adventure City. It took them some time to gather all the pups in one vehicle, but now they're here. It was gonna be a long road trip for them."

Ryder: While we try and make it to our destination, you pups can talk amongst yourselves or do anything you'd like until we get there.

Moby: Well that sounds boring

Coral: Boring to you, but not to me. I can't wait to know about these other pups we haven't seen before.

Moby: Exciting for you but not for me, unless it interests me.

"The original 6 were talking with each other, while the other pups were introducing themselves to each other."

Sweetie: So, we already know that some of us have seen each other from the "All Paws on Deck" mission except for Moby and Claw. Who wants to start us off?

Claw: Female pups first

Sweetie: Well, I might as well start off since I'm talking. All of you have seen me before from the mission except for Moby and Claw, but don't just think of me as a cute and kind ally to your team. I, am a villain.

Tuck: Then why did you help us?

Sweetie: Because I wanted to, and... I felt bad from back at Barkingburg when the Princess was in danger...

Coral: So you're like an anti-hero?

Sweetie: Somewhere like that, yes but don't let that fool you though. From the beginning when I met those pesky pups, I was a thief for royal things like the Crown of Barkingburg, the Royal Throne and other things that I could possibly find. Everytime that I always get caught, I always get thrown back into my little jail cell that I call a doghouse.

Ella: How long did you have to stay in there?

Sweetie: (Scoffs) Until I'm well-behaved, which is for about some time but I get used to it. I have my loyal assistant Busby packed in here.

Al: Why is he or she packed in the suitcase?

Sweetie: It's a he, and it's for safe keeping just in case. (Puts Busby out in a bit of a far distance to the right) Now watch this, Busby follow me.

"While she walked in a straight line, the robotic toy frog followed her."

All except Claw: Oooo

Sweetie: (Goes back to her spot) Neat, isn't it?

Claw: Not to me, it isn't

Sweetie: Whatever, you've already seen it before

Moby: It's cool that you have a loyal assistant like I do

Sweetie: Huh, I've never noticed. Anyways, any questions?

Claw: This isn't a school Sweetie

Sweetie: Don't care

Tuck: Do you have an owner?

Sweetie: Yes, you are looking at Barkingburg's royal pup over here because my owner is the Princess.

All: Cool

Claw: Yes, and I was their jester in disguise.

All except Sweetie: (Chuckles)

Sweetie: Oh, shut it you. Anything else?

Tracker: Do you have any amigos besides Busby?

Sweetie: I'm sorry, what?

Tracker: Amigos, you know, friends.

Sweetie: Oh, well not technically. I do have a royal playmate with the pirate's first mate.

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